Abundance, Peace, Inspiration, Spiritual and The Connection With Self.

"We are all in this giant wheel of life, this grand circle and we are all connected. If you enjoy these writings and quotes shared, then part of my life mission is complete. Notice that the writings are all of everything, no particular dogma or religion. There are many paths to Spirit. Some of these may apply, while some may not. Take what is beneficial and leave behind that which is not. In part, it is what it is and it is my gift to bring enlightenment to all life here and beyond."

Monday, December 29, 2008

Release The Past, Embrace The New Year!


Good morning,

Oh it is so wonderful to wake up this morning with renewal and peace. Knowing that all and everything is absolutely divinely guided. There really are no accidents in this blessed world in which we all share life with all living creatures. My dear sweet friend, as this year comes to close I have contemplated all that was, is and will be for 2009. As this time is a meaning of closure and renewal into a new year. I truly believe it is also a time for our own personal closures and forgiveness as well. By simply understanding that we are supported and blessed by the Divine Mother, Father, Spirit, God and Universal Energy, we can breathe deep in the peace and love that the Universe is so richly abundant of. Filling our souls with warmth and comfort. Knowing that we are indeed made in the image and likeness of God/Spirit. I ask you to take a few moments by this years end, take those issues, hurts, and separations and release them into the Law of Mind. Instead, fuse them with the most powerful bond in the entire Universe itself. LOVE. This is a grand time and moment in which you will surely feel renewed, at peace and united in all of mankind. Let us now rise up our inner radiance of Love itself, in the united consciousness for the entire world. Have a wonderful fantastic day and Happy New Year!

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"I feel that my search is over. I feel that I have discovered the great reality. I am not evolving into it; I am merely awakening to the realization of what it means. There is but one life. This life I am living now. Today I speak this reality into every experience I have. Today I see God reflected in every form, in every countenance, moving in every act. And so it is."

"In the secret recesses of the heart
beyond the teachings of the world
calls a still, small voice
singing a song unchanged
from the foundation of the world.
Speak to me in sunsets and in starlight
speak to me in the eyes of a child
you Who call me from a smile
my cosmic beloved
tell me who I am
and who I always will be.
Help me to remember."
~ J.B.

Great Mystery, I awaken this morning with deep gratitude for the gift of life. May the renewal of faith in this season be the ground from which perfect peace will grow. May that peace extend as a blessing to all beings. And may the light in my heart pour through my eyes and touch the world with wonder. May I be present in this moment, and in every moment, so that I may remember Who I really am and meet this world with the kindness and grace of Your Spirit.

"There is only one science, love, only one riches, love, only one policy, love. To make love is all the law, and the prophets."
~ Anatole France

If I had my way I'd write every day about love,
For what is a today anyway without love...?
You can ignore, abuse, and try to corrupt it
yet it is always there, even as the sun is always there, day or night.


My Zriiliant Journey!

Wow, I can hardly believe it is yet another new year in a few days. Where has the time gone? This is asked almost every year this time. Where has the time gone? I think maybe we find ourselves way too busy with STUFF. Be it working at a job and punching a time clock, commuting back and forth to that job, trying to make ends meet because that job does not satisfy our financial obligations. A vicious circle indeed. Yet for a lot of us, we just keep doing the same thing over and over. When we tend to worry about these things, time just seems to slip away and the fun and memories do not out weigh the angst's of financial burdens. I believe that there are many opportunities in life to correct these things. Here I am talking about Zrii. An opportunity that is changing hundreds of lives each month. Giving back more time to not have to punch a time clock, worry about who is getting paid the week of payday, spending more time with family and friends and doing and living the dreams only thought of before. This truly is going to be a new year with many changes already in place. It is just about doing it and stop wondering why or how others are doing it. We are all equal and have the same amount of opportunity as anyone else. It is really just up to each one of us to define how bad we want to make changes or keep living always wondering and asking why. So if you find your self saying or hearing, "This year honey..." you may be going into this new year with new resolutions and if they involve better health, more abundance and less stress in life, then I invite you to please take a look at Zrii. I can tell you it is changing my life daily and I stopped wondering and asking why or how others are doing it. I decided to take my life back into my own hands and being responsible for the things in my life as well as quit blaming things outside of myself. In the end my friend it really is all our own creation for where we are in life. Why not make it your life heaven on earth, instead of a living hell? Until next posting and next year, have a safe and wonderful new year! It is going to be a truly Zrilliant and exciting time!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Embrace The True Essence Of This Holiday Season


Good morning,

What a wonderful time of the year! So much excitement, so much fun and so much joy. Yet, why do we sometimes forget to carry it over into the rest of the year? This really puzzles me. For a lot of individuals there seems to be so much pressure and so much guilt surrounded by this time. Again, why is this so? The gift of giving. How many times do we find ourselves judging others by the gifts given or not given? And then how many times are we ourselves judged by others by the gifts we have given and or not given? I believe if at anytime of the year, this is a grand time to start the practice of unconditional love, having no expectations and letting go of the ego.

I was at a wonderful holiday party last night and to see the twinkle in the eyes of the many children gathered around Old Saint Nick. And the lack of expectations and the letting go of what ever happens, happen. We can truly learn from these little beings and see that truly life goes on and all is just perfect no matter what the outcome. And these little wonders of joy radiated love and belief in this holiday and knowing that all is good. When it came to the adult portion of the party of playing the white elephant gift exchange, oh my what a spiritual lesson here. Adults can be so greedy and yet not really realizing it. Holding onto things and going after what serves them. But, I do have to say, it was all in very good fun and holiday spirit. But yet a lesson in how we can sometimes go about our own daily lives. In the end of the mad chaos of watching one gift taken from another to only go after another and then that person went after another until it just was ridiculously funny and strange to sit back and just observe. However I was truly amazed from one guest who I had the pleasure of talking to earlier responded to me when his gift was taken and he sat back down. I asked why not go get another? He said it was just okay and it was all perfect how it was. It was not a big deal to continue. I thought that was truly a honorable thing to see the beauty of a child in this adult knowing, yes it was all perfect. But something good did come out of it in the end. There was one gift left and no one seemed to had picked it. So it was given to him and it turned out to be a nice and perfect gift for him.

So, when we let go and let things just happen, it truly does happen. My friend, just let things be what they are. Once we let those three major setbacks filter in to our emotions, then the excitement, the fun and the joy disappear and all was for nothing. Try to embrace the true essence of this holiday season. Think even of those who do not have a wonderful time this year. And yet we may find in our own heart, lack of gratitude and love. What would the homeless person feel like receiving? What would the small child feel like having at least one toy or gift? What would the battered wife/husband feel like seeing the joy of the face of their children? What would the elderly remember once again the meaning of days gone by? What would ... Stop and just think. Stop and be truly grateful for the tiniest of things given. I love you my friend. Have a precious Chistmas season. You truly are blessed and kept in my highest vibrations.

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"I enter the stillness of my own soul and breathe deeply the richness of my being. My mind is quiet, my actions are effortless, and my spiritual power is limitless. I am firmly rooted in the truth of who I am and open to the heart of stillness in each moment."

"A good travler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving."
~ Lao-tzu

The journey is the destination and life is the journey. Without a fixed plan, we intuitely adapt to this wondrous journey called living. A wayfarer and not a tourist, we discover uncharted byways and experience the native territory of this vast country road we call life. Whereas if we're only intent on arriving we steer a narrow course, missing much, owning to our myopic focusing on a set destination. A good travler adapts and leaves room for spontaneity and does not live and die by an itinerary.
*** My Zriiliant Journey has been interupted by a Christmas story ***

Here is a story that I thought you might find interesting in another perspective. It is indeed different, but I found it opening up many ideas and thoughts. What if..., just what if?

The Mystical Star of Christmas

If it was a boy, they had agreed to call him Samuel, from the Hebrew Shamu'el, "name of God."
The delivery was complicated because the mother, Rachel, had a high fever of unknown origin and the doctor offered little hope for a healthy baby. He fretted more over the mother's survival. The husband, Benjamin, was frantic with worry, finding it hard to stay calm amid the frenzied action in the bedroom. A boy, glowing from the warmth of his mother's womb, squeled a triumpant gasp of life that pierced the tension pervading the place.
Rachel came through her moment of anguished labor and smiled on seeing her new son with his tiny hands and feet flailing in all directions. Benjamin beamed with pride to see his fourth son now out of danger and his loving wife looking so much better.
They had a happy home. Benjamin was a successful merchant in Jerusalem during the infamous reign of King Herod "the great" in the year 16 B.C. He provided well, and already three of his sons were attending the best schools in the region. The new son would continue in this tradition and make his family proud, he predicted.
As Samuel grew up it was apparent to the family that he was a rebellious and unresponsive. He simply did not fit in very well. His troubled parents took him to the temple to seek the advice of the rabbis and physicians. They agreed to keep the boy under their care for a few days and come up with a diagnosis.
When they came to take him home his parents were told that the boy had a genius mentality, but unfortunately he also had an incurable deafness in both ears. His affinity for and love of animals, these wise men asserted, would indicate a career outdoors without people around him too much. Perhaps a shepherd. "Shepherd?" Benjamin interrupted, "my son a shepherd? That's not possible. His destiny is to be a rabbi. That has been my dream for him since he was born."
The physicians tried to console him. They explained that patriarchs, kings and prophets including Jacob, David and Amos, had tended sheep.
"But that was years ago," countered Benjamin. Today it's a harsh, primitive, lonely life fit only for those down on their luck. There must be something better that Samuel can do. We will go home with him now and think it over."
At home matters only grew worse. They hired tutors to teach him and none lasted more than a few weeks. Samuel seemed unteachable, they thought. Bright, yes, but his independent-minded attitude and lack of hearing proved to be insurmountable obstacles. The schools would not take him. Rachel was beside herself with compassionate concern for her growing fourteen-year-old son. Secretly she blamed herself for affliction. Her anxiety over his future made her loving heart ache.
Finally, one day Benjamin took him aside for a father-son conference. "What do you want to do with your life, dear son?"
Adept at lip-reading, Samuel answered, "Father, like you, I want to be my own boss, answering only to myself. I want to be free of teachers and others giving me orders all the time. I'm happiest when I'm alone with my dog and goat. They understand me better than people."
"Son, it's time for you to become a man and start a career. What do you think of the idea of becoming a shepherd? If I gave you enough gold to buy a herd of sheep, would you like that? Many famous men were shepherds once, you know."
Without hesitation Samuel said, "Father, I would love being a shepherd tending my own flock. I know just the hills and valleys in Galilee that would be perfect for them."
Looking sad, and resigned to the bleak outlook for his beloved son's future, Benjamin forced a weak smile, saying, "Then it's settled. You are going to be the best shepherd in all Judea."
Samuel bought fifty sheep. Cutting his own staff from a sturdy tree limb, he gathered his few belongings into a thin blanket and tied it to the staff, now ready and eager to leave home. Rachel was determined to face his departure bravely, but broke into tears. Benjamin hugged his son and whispered, "God be with you!" Samuel kissed his mother gently, hugged each brother, and off he went for an unknown adventure in the wilds of Galilee.
Wearing a crude sheepskin cloak, Samuel headed directly for the Galilean hills. As he traveled with his flock he swiftly realized how inexperienced he was. He became thirsty but had forgotten to bring a water bag. He found a stream and cupped sweet water to his mouth, giving his sheep time to drink too. "Praise the Lord for this precious water!" he crided. It was truly a humbling experience to be out in the wilds without a map or anyone to guide him. Jerusalem was never like this, he mused. Nevertheless, his joy increased with each day; he cherished every moment with his sheep.
His flock wandered over sparse, rocky ground on the fringes of cultivated land. They foraged wherever they could, always on the alert for wolves, bears, jackals and lions. Thieves were not uncommon, either. Samuel had to arm himself in some way, so he fashioned a club with sharp pointed stones embedded in the wooden club head to go along with his homemade slingshot. He vowed he would protect his flock even if they were in mortal danger - a characteristic of most good shepherds.
He needed to eat, so he bought olives, fruit, cheese and bread from nearby villagers. He mentally mapped his territory, noting where the caves were located, how to protect himself from the sun's glare, how to construct a makeshift tent and other essentials. With each day his expertise grew and so did his confidence. His survival in these harsh hills depended on his guickness to adapt. He never failed to thank his God for each new lesson. He was humble and full of gratitude for divine guidance.
Sleeping in the open fields most of the time with his flock, he became fascinated with the magic of the night sky, the moon and especially the stars. He studied the stars every night until he fell asleep. His dreams were about stars, until he literally became the stars in his consciousness. Lately, though, he noticed something odd going on. At first he thought they were shooting stars. The more he observed them, he was sure they couldn't be stars. They seemed to be skillfully propelled, but by whom? Who drives these fiery chariots in the sky? Samuel was greatly puzzled.
One night he was awakened by a blinding light surrounding him and his flock. he leaped to his feet, trying to shield his eyes from the glare and checking on the sheep at the same time. There, less than a hundred paces away, a glowing disk-shaped object had landed from the sky. Filled with fright by its bizarre intrusion, he watched two weird-looking figures exit the disk and walk toward him. They had large ovoid heads with immense black eyes and small, fragile bodies. Samuel readied his slingshot to hold them off when suddenly a burst of hot light knocked his smoking slingshot to the ground. They did not talk, just peered benignly toward him for a few minutes. Then returning to their chariot, they flew swifter than any bird into the black void.
Shaken and befuddled by this strange encounter, Samuel's head throbbed from the excitment. Does this make any sense? Who are they? What kind of weaponry was this? Or was it all a dream fantasy? He picked up his slingshot and noticed that it was scorched black and warm to the touch. Now he knew he was not dreaming; it had really happened!
Night after night he scanned the mysterious stars from his pallet. These fiery chariots with flashing multicolored lights were becoming more frequent and obvious. The queer-looking creatures kept popping into his mind. Why would I, a simple shepherd, catch their attention? Were they created by the same God that brought me forth? If they were, why are they so much different from me? Didn't father teach me that everything in the whole universe came from God, including the invisible things? The Great Void father stressed, was one vast nothing materially, but all things potentially. So Samuel decided these creatures had to be the children of God, too. They should be treated with love and respect despite their woeful physiques and sickly complexions that make one's hair stand on end.
One night during a heavy rainstorm he found refuge in one of his caves. His small fire was dying out and he was almost asleep when a soft white light permeated the entire cave in an instant. He jumped from his pallet and was startled to see a towering man enter the cave. The light emanating from him was like a traquilizing wave, and Samuel instinctively sensed that the stranger was not a threat. The cave became warmer and drier after the visitor sat down in a lotus position and began talking in a kindly voice.
"Have no fear; I come to you in love and peace. I will come right to the point. You, Samuel, have a glorious destiny awaiting you a short few days away. Your humble spirit, always mindful and grateful to God, has prepared you well for this coming event. I know who you are, and since your birth I have watched over you unceasingly. I do not have wings, but I am proud to be your guardian angel." Oddly enough Samuel, who could not hear the spoken word, understood everything the angel said with utmost clarity.
"Your father, Benjamin, taught you well about the unlimitedness of the Void," spoke the angel, gesturing with a wide upward sweep of his expressive hands. "You were wise to conclude that those beings you met from space were worthy of your love and not to be feared. For they too have a soul and were created by the same loving God as you here on Earth. If you see them again, and you will, use the ancient holy smybol of the triangle to connect you to them. They revere this triadic sign, and it will be your surest entree to brotherhood with them. Just act like the God you are and they will treat you like one; act the victim and they will treat you like a victim. It is that simple."
"These beings are extremely intelligent. They operate on thought alone. They do not talk or hear. You noticed they were without ears. They do not laugh or cry. They are completely emotionless. They possess quintessential intellect. They read your mind and know what you are thinking or conniving. So always, when you are in their company, keep love in your mind and heart. These interstellar beings come from the Seven Sisters in the Pleiadian system. Their bloody-orange craft have been exploring outer space for eons. These fragile beings with the great black eyes and bluish gray skin are fabulous, timeless entities. They are beautiful in a different way, as are all God's children."
Listening to this enlightening discourse, Samuel, trance like, asked, "If they're so intelligent, why would they find interest in a shepherd? You would think they would be more at home with wise rabbis and philosophers or the like."
"No, Samuel, they seek out the simple, humble ones, those who possess little or nothing materially to clutter their open minds. These are the ones they wish to connect with," the angel replied. "They see into the future, and already knowing about your imminent destiny, want to play a part in this momentous event. You are marked for further adventure with them. They are your brothers after all, so trust them without fear or doubt in their next visitation. Just remember to reverntly make the triangle symbol on their approach. With that you will have mutual trust and love at work. I must leave you now; God be with you always."
The light vanished and the cave was once again dark, cold and damp. The angel was gone as abruptly as he had first appeared, like a ghostly specter. For Samuel it seemed impossible to even think of sleep. He thought about his boyhood experiences with his happy family and how much he missed his mother and father. He now yearned for the comfortable tranquility of home during this hectic moment in the cold cave. His brain was hard pressed to assimilate all that the angel had related and the mystical meaning of the prophecies of the days soon to come. What did all this mean?
Sunrise soon peeked into the cave opening. he shrugged off his quandary and headed for his flock to face a new day. After a quiet day in the hilly pastures Samuel was very tired, having had no sleep the night before. As darkness came he laid back on his pallet, looking again at his cherished stars. Just as he was drifting off to sleep a dazzling star aroused his curiosity. He had never noticed any star positioned anywhere near Bethlehem like this one. It seemed too unreal. He fell off to sleep thinking about the many weird things occurring in his life lately.
He woke up the next day and observed the same star still shining brightly in the full Sun - in stark contrast to normal star behavior. Another strange happening occurred as he passed through the village to buy provisions. He became aware that he could read the minds of passersby's and the shopkeepers. Being deaf, his new psychic ability made communication much easier. His angel, he marveled, had awakened this power within him. His cup of consciousness was overflowing with all these topsy-turvy incidents. However, he had learned from an early age to depend only on himself and his inner knowingness. He had the healthy habit of looking inward for his inspiration and knowledge whenever pressed for answers. Anyone would laugh at him if he told about his experiences, so he knew how to keep these events to himself.
Another day, while his sheep were grazing, he glimpsed three men riding camels who were coming his way from the east. As they drew closer he noticed that they were not ordinary travelers. They had an aura of wisdom and splendor about them. They dismounted before Samuel and introduced themselves, "We are the magi from Persia and Chaldea, philosophers and physicians. I am Caspar, and this is Melchoir and Balthazar. We are bringing gifts for the Christ child born in Bethlehem. Can you direct our way? We've been guided most of the way by a beautiful star, but it shines only at night."
Samuel respectfully adked, "Don't you see the star up there? It shines all day long around here." They scanned the sky and shook their heads. Samuel wondered, could it be that only I can see this mystical star? He showed them the shortcut to Bethlehem, but before they remounted he asked them why it was so important to journey such a distance and why gifts were necessary.
"My friend, it is the highlight of our lives, if only to see him for a few precious moments of adoration. Our gifts are but a small gesture of our love for the holy child who is to change the course of history, as the earlier avatars or Christs have done." They thanked the lad and proceeded to Bethlehem on the last leg of their arduous pilgrimage.
The shepherd seemed quite impressed that these distinguished magi would cross dangerous deserts and make such a scarifice of time and energy to pay homage to an infant they call a Christ. he pondered, what is a Christ, anyway? Then he remembered his father once saying that a Christ was any man or woman who reached the apex of their spiritual evolution; it meant God / man / woman realized. Samuel resolved to see this newborn Christ, but with only sheep and one lamb, what kind of gift could he offer him?
Night came, and while sitting on a rock he focused on the glistening mystifying star of Bethlehem. It had an unearthly essence to it; and the shepherd convinced himself that he had to unravel this enigma by visiting Christ's birthplace. He surmised that somehow the star and Christ's birth were magically connected. He now felt irresistibly drawn to go to Bethlehem and decided to arrange with another shepherd to watch his sheep for a day.
He tethered his lamb to his pallet to avoid its being trampled on in the dark night, then fell into a deep sleep. He was awakened by the frantic lamb crawling and scratching at his face. he jumped up with a start and saw his sheep being stampeded by a wolf as they all raced toward a precipitous cliff. His heart sank as he stood in paralyzed terror watching his entire herd plunge off the cliff into a deadly heap far below. His beloved sheep were gone and he felt devastated in his desolation.
All were lost except the one lamb. He wept the whole night through. Long before, it had bothered Samuel that this deafness might someday expose his sheep to danger, particularly while he was sleeping, because he would not hear their bleating sounds of warning. But he never imagined a tragedy like this. Now he blamed himself and his affliction for this pitiful loss. With tears streaming down his cheeks, he prayed, "Oh God let my shackled hearing be healed so I can protect my sheep. I want so much to be a good shepherd. So be it!"
After praying, he glanced up to see standing over him the two silent creatures of his recent encounter. He slowly made the sign of a triangle while they stoically scrutinized him. He was aware they wanted him to board their chariot. He followed them without fear and with as much love as he could muster under the circumstances. Once aboard, the beings fitted him into an eerie garment to help him offset pressure changes. This he understood from reading their intentions.
Next they strapped an oxygen container to his suit and a transparent globe like helmet over his head so he could breathe oxygen and needed nothing in the way of paraphernalia. They blasted off at tremendous speed on a pathway of light. They explained to Samuel through thought that their craft could appear or disappear at the pilot's whim, and they are beyond light, distance and time and can go beyond the Sun in a moment.
After flying around the Earth whilst studying their young passenger and reading the awe and curiosity arising in his mind, they thought, he's in an absolute state of wonderment. He seems expecially interested in the star over Bethlehem. We must satisfy this yearning. They turned around and were over the Bethlehem area in seconds. They slowed to a hovering approach and Samuel wondered why they were so deliberate and cautious. We are approaching the mightiest ship in the whole universe, and we must be careful and keep a respectful distance away, came their thought reply.
Samuel gaped through the aperture at an enormous object filling the sky for many leagues. This unbelievable behemoth, a massive domed triad in shape, was dominating the sky directly over Bethlehem. What an awesome sight! Samuel was numb with excitement.
You were granted a special privilege to view this spectacular wonder at close range, the beings explained. Normally it stays invisible to all prying eyes.
The entities staffing this magnificent ship are the lords of the cosmos, the most evolved species in the universe. They differ from us in many ways, but we consider them our brothers in God. They are over seven feet tall, blessed beings with golden complexions and truly marvelous physiques. More importantly, they have always loved the human race and have even interbred with you throughout ancient history. They have protected Earth and humanity since the beginning of creation. They are rightfully your brothers in blood kinship. They have been your overseers for civilization upon civilization.
They come from beyond the North Star, the region known as Andromeda. Among them are angels and archangels. Inside the mothership you are viewing, ride the archangels Michael and Gabriel and legions of lesser-known angels. They are all congregating to participate in the celebration of the new Christ born in a stable on Earth below. It is truly a momentous episode for all life in the cosmos. That star manifestation you wonder at comes from the bottom of that mighty ship and its superb lighting system.
To give you an idea of the phenomenal light power of this ship, with a touch of a button its illumination would exceed the light of the Sun ten thousand times. These remarkable brothers have ingeniously fashioned and ornamental star in honor of this auspicious occasion to guide the many pilgrims trekking toward the birthplace.
Now, that is enough learning for this day, shepherd. We must get you back to your hungry and thirsty lamb, who needs your care without delay. To avoid radiation contamination, they landed a safe distance from the shepherd's pallet. They took off his spacesuit and left him to his Earthly chores.
Naturally overcome by his bizarre experience and new enlightenment, Samuel comforted his lamb with food and water and collapsed into an exhausted slumber. He dreamed of his coming to the stable to see the Christ child. Would his gift of a single lamb be approapriate? Since it was all he had left in his world, it would have to do. On awakening he took the shortcut to Bethlehem with the lamb across his broad shoulders. the glittering star pinpointed the stable, giving it a celestial golden glow that gave it an aura of reverence all around. Within, Mary and Joseph were smiling at the divine infant chortling in the crude crib. Samuel's friends of the day before, the three magi were kneeling at the cribside. There were many priceless gifts that lay beneath the tiny cradle.
As the young shepherd approached the crib, he knelt down to better see the infant Jesus. He reached out and touched his hand gently. A surge of power entered his body; a feeling of ecstatic bliss flowed through him from head to toe. His lamb, still on his shoulders, began to bleat. Lo and behold! For the first time in his life, Samuel heard sound! And what a sound! - the feeble bleat of his beloved lamb. He placed the innocent lamb before the crib, prostrating himself in humble thanks. He now read the mind of the Christ child who gave him a message of love and endearment: Behold God! The kingdom of heaven is within you Samuel. Your Spirit within has opened your ears. So be it!

William L. Heinz
P.O. Box 686
Rainer, WA 98576
(360) 446-7711

Friday, December 12, 2008

Issues... Let It Go!


Good morning,

Today I want to try to express to you the importance of truly letting go of issues that do not serve you or anyone else. I know this subject can pretty much pertain to all that read this posting today. It is a subject that is difficult to write on because everyones issues is so diverse and means many things for everyone. As much as I try to walk the talk, I sometimes find myself hanging onto these issues that don't serve. So I just have to pull myself back on track. Now, if there are situations that are troubling you, or issues that seem to be eating at your inner soul, then right now, let go. I know it is easy for me to say this or anyone else to say it. You have to know that Spirit is so much bigger than what ails you. And as I have said before, all our activity and moments are divinely guided. There is no need to worry. For I believe worrying is just a negative side of reality. You see, we are living in a moment of reality. This is real life and this is what it is. My friend, how we deal with it is the key. Try to deal with it with a humble heart, with a loving heart and smile and believe that there are absolutely no problems greater than Spirit. Put out into the Universe this truth. Feel it. Sense it and know it. Then before you realize it, Surprise! Things are handled. Why you may ask? Because the Universe responds to your own beliefs. So believe in the positive side of things.

Like I stated, this truly is a difficult subject to write upon. I guess the basic thing my friend to get out of this is your own beliefs and your own translation. Along with that, to learn to trust, let things go and don't give up your power to ideas, situations, events and people that does not serve your spiritual soul. And I think we have all heard this, "Let go and let God." Now go and smile. Have a truly fantastic day!

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




I know that the earth on which I live is a blessed planet. I am fully confident that the sun will rise each day and that the truth of nature is to continually heal itself. I turn to the one source, the only power, and trust that I am healed. I am whole. I am abundantly showered with all that I need. Praise God. And so it is.

"PITY, n. A failing sense of exemption, inspired by contrast."
~ Ambrose Bierce

All of us stranded at the traffic light stared with pity at the homeless man who dropped his worldly belongings on the ground in his struggle to retrieve his shoe that had gotten stuck in the mud.

Is not pity a self-serving and superior attitude to take? Persumably this man has as many happy moments as we do, albeit of a different kind than ours. A warm meal, I'm certain this makes him happy. A safe, dry, and comfortable place to lay his head, I'm certain this too makes him happy. On the other hand, these things don't make us happy, at least not anymore - perhaps they never have. Granted, a gourmet meal in a fancy restaurant may still make us momentarily happy, or a brand-new king-size bed with a down comforter and feather pillows may yet make us momentarily happy, but, as I said, this is of a different kind.

If we must engage in pity, let's at least leave it at home in the mirror where it belongs, and bring compassion with us on the road.

John the Baptist was an Essene, one of a small band of Jews who withdrew from the community to find God by practicing a life of meditation and asceticism. Some scholars believe that Jesus' teachings were inspired by the Essene community, in which he was said to have lived. In the 1940's the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in Qumran by a shepherd. These contain the Essene doctrines - a kind of post-Jewish/pre-Christian thinking, called Gnosticism. At nearly the same time, other Gnostic manuscripts were unearthed in the Egyptian desert town of Nag Hammadi. They had been buried there by Christian monks to preserve them from destruction by the early church, which considered them heretical. The Nag Hammadi manuscripts contain many gospels that were not included in the New Testament. When we read apocryphal scriptures like these, once again our best guide to their authenticity as "the word of God" is the purity of heart that they demonstrate.

Take a few deep breaths, and contemplate this teaching of Jesus from the Gospel of Philip, published in the Nag Hammadi Library: "Light and darkness, life and death, right and left, are brothers of one another. They are inseparable. Because of this neither are the good good nor the evil evil, nor is life life, nor death death. For this reason each one will dissolve into its earliest origin. But those who are exalted above the world are indissoluble, eternal."
My Zriiliant Journey!

Ah, and the journey continues. I think one of the most struggling things in this business is finding the continued motivation when things are not happening fast enough. This I feel is where those in the business throw in the towel and never give it time. With any business, it takes time and work. How I see it is where can anyone have their own business for as little as $50 to as much as 1500? Not however counting the other expenses outside of it like business cards, advertising, product, printed material, etc. But look, everything done for the business is in fact a tax write-off. Think about this. Maybe the savings are not right away, but when April 15th rolls around, that's when we get to list all our expenses used for the busniess. Here are some examples: Cell phone, home phone, computer, hardware, office supplies, travel expenses, mileage (.50 per mile now), even portions of meals and entertainment. So many people do not take advantage of this and they should. I have been doing this for years on other home business'. But I would suggest talking with your accountant first. So you see, there are so many advantages to this business. It is yours! And the time and energy you put into it is up to you. No boss, no punching a time clock, work at home or take your laptop to the nearest coffee shop and work from there. I have. And you know, it is so rewarding in a lot of ways. If you find yourself struggling with Zrii or any other business. Stick with it. It will pay off. Until next posting. Happy Holidays and a Zrilliant abundant New Year!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Truly A life Of Thanksgiving


Good morning,

As we approach Thanksgiving tomorrow.  I thought about this today and wondered how many of us really take into an account of the true meaning of this holiday?  I know for myself, especially this time, I really sit back and contemplate on the many, many things I am very truly thankful for.  As I gather around friends and co-workers and those I meet, I like to initiate from each one, why they are thankful.  Although, as I have expressed before many times, it is not just important to be thankful on this day, as it is to be thankful and have absolute gratitude each and every moment of our existence.  So my dear friend, in preparation think of your gratitude and share it tommorow.  Today is indeed Grand and I am grateful to be part of it with you my dear ones.  As we are all connected and in this wonderful place called life.  Have a good one!

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"The majesty of the Almighty is inherent in my being today.  I am filled with thanks as I understand who and what I really am.  The greatness and grandeur of the infinite possibility is established in my consciousness.  My divinity is innate.  I look with reverence upon the Mother/Father within me.  I accept the ease with which all things are done, the dignity with which Spirit maintains me in all situations.  Universal mind is the Lord of my life.  Spirit is my sovereign and it works through me now.  I thrill to the immensity of life, and I am loved and warmed as I realize the infinite personalness of God/Spirit in me."

"The important thing is not to stop questioning.  Curiosity has its own reason for existing.  One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality.  It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day.  Never lose a holy curiosity."
~ Albert Einstein

We may wonder about the mystery, but the mystery wonders not about us.  If we ask not, it won't answer; if we inquire not, it won't reveal; if we have not passion, it will seem passionless; if we are indefferent, it will be indifferent to us.

Start today the never-ending inquiry into the starling mystery that is being alive.  After all, if we consider for only a moment the incredible commingling of events that conspired to put us here, then this alone should inspire enough wonderment to get us started.

The choice between living a life in the full bosom of awe, or living a hollow unexamined life devoid of the sanctity of mystery, resides within each of our breats.  

As one can retrospect in their life, it can be clear that the people, from whom we have learned the most, may have been once our enemies.  They were possibly the people who confronted us with ethical difficulites and may have made you think about the notions of right or wrong.  In those many cases, they may have been reflections of our own self-righteousness, paranoia or fear.  In other cases, they may have been real and tangible harm.  Although in few instances forgiveness came easily, and in others it was a process that spanned many years.  The instances in which forgiveness took the longest, and was the most difficult, more than likely turned out to contain the most valuable teachings.

Begin today be practicing tonglen in behalf of our enemies (and ourselves, of course, since forgiveness ultimately sets the forgiver free).  It's best to begin with a "minor enemy" unless you have a strong wish to let go of a more vibrant resentment.  Begin, as always with the memory of a holy moment when your heart was open and you felt connected with the universe.  Now bring your enemy to mind.  Imagine the pain and ignorance that led them to behave in a way that was hurtful.  See it as a thick black smoke that obsures the true Light in the heart.  Breathe the smoke into your own heart's Light, and return your Light to them.  Continue until the Lights in your two hearts touch.
My Zriiliant Journey!

Just a quick note here.  The journy lives on and I want to say how thankful I am for the opportunity to be of service to help others live their dreams and be more physically healthy in the process.  In turn, I am living my dreams and desires as well as my compassion for others.  So yes indeed, I am truly grateful and I am blessed.  Even though I have only been on this journey for just under 3 months, I can't wait for the next few to unfold.  That's it for now and until my next Zrilliant post.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Take A Deep Breath And Forgive


Good morning,

We are incredibly blessed today with the wisdom to have within us, the ability to forgive.  I know even I have faced times where forgiving another is not so easy, that is understandable.  Although the wisdom and ability is already inherent in each one of us.  Therefore, I truly believe that to forgive is to first absolutely forgive ourselves.  You see, what we see in another, whether it is fault, misunderstanding or hatred, is greatly mirrored from our own very being.  One must first step back, take into account that what we may see in another, is really what we see in ourselves.  If we take the time to learn to practice this, then we may be very surprised at the compassion we have of others.  And in turn, we learn deeply about our own being, our own unique issues.  If we do see a fault, then maybe it really is just an error in which we are living a human moment, and can be forgiven.  A misunderstanding may be nothing more than truly listening, learning and seeing the other side of the story before judgments are made.  Then of course there is that awful word called hatred, this is nothing more than a lack of love.  If we learn to embrace each issue with love, compassion and respect, then we indeed have shown the God/Spirit in each one of us.  In turn our judgements are set aside and forgiveness is set in motion.  At that moment a healing has taken its course and all is divinely blessed.  So today and beyond my dear friend, be cautious; be aware of your words, actions and feelings.  Today, have beautiful moments.  It's truly all very good!

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"And so we bring our attention now to the truth of our being, knowing that all the people we contact this day are blessed by our own awareness and recognition of who they truly are.  I now realease this into the law of mind and so it is.  Amen"

"A good rest is half the work."
~ Yugoslav proverb

In this fast-paced computerized world many of us consider taking time out for a good rest as irresponsible as falling asleep on sentry duty (take a deep breath).  Somehow, busyness has now become synonymous with progress, and we feel that we're cheating ourselves if our new sacred cow, busyness, is not constantly chewing the cud (take another deep breath).

But what better preparation for the travail of modern life than the recentering and harnessing of energy that a good rest affords?  Without proper relaxation, we become nervous and irritable, and have trouble focusing, thereby generating even more work, and so the cycle of frantic activity continues (and another deep breath).  Meanwhile, within the stillness and quietude of a good rest breeds the necessary energy to be completely engaged in the work at hand ( and another deep breath).

Furthermore, proper rest alleviates stress, and less stress means better mental and physical health, and better mental and physical health means ... means a lot! (First one more deep breath.)

Jesus taught his followers a prayer that has come to be called the "Our Father."  More precise translations from the original Aramaic are closer to "Oh Cosmic Birther" than to "Father."  Scholar Neil Douglas Klotz has translated this prayer very carefully, revealing a deeper beauty and wisdom than the traditional version.  The part of the prayer that usually translates "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors" retranslates, "Loose the cords of mistakes binding us as we release the strands we hold on others guilt."  In this way we clear the vessels of the Divine Body from obsturctions and enable the whole to rise free in the Light of the heart.

Oh Cosmic Birther, Father/Mother God, please teach me the sacrament of forgiveness so that in forgiving others I can finally forgive myself and help all things attain the freedom of a peaceful heart.

Take a few letting-go breaths and slowly, patiently come into the inner stillness, the Holy of Holies.  Comtemplate the strands you are holding of othe peoples guilt.  Do you really want to keep holding on and making their errors into your burdens?  Consider how it might feel to let go of their guilt.  If you wish to begin or accelerate this process, ask for the help of Archangel Raphael
My Zriiliant Journey!

Well nothing new has really changed.  Still on the journey and I get so inspired each and every day.  I don't know how to explain it.  Maybe the quiet before the storm?  Or better yet, a child during the Christmas holidays knowing that the tree is empty right now with gifts that you know will suddenly appear overnight under the tree.  Kind of like that kind of waiting.  Now I am not talking about a miracle or something magic here to just appear.  As I do know it takes a lot of work on my part.  But in any case, that is the sort of feeling I have lately.  I can actually feel it, taste it and know it so the day I can just be able to be financially free and helping others do the same.  And not only that, but representing a product that will and can change the lives of others.  So really it is all a grand thing.  You know I sort of spoke in the past few posts how difficult and ranting and raving on how I felt isolated and on my own.  Even toying with the idea of also throwing in the towel.  But, I just read a great email from another executive a few days ago by the name of Dave Vass.  And how he too in his 16 months had similar stuggles and thought of quitting too.  But he now is a ranking 9 star executive along with his brother.  So this just makes more sense to me to keep on keeping on.  My thanks to him for the perfect timing of his inspiration.  All truly is as stated, in divine order and nothing is left to chance.  My journey may not be taking enourmous steps right now, but at least I know I am not stopping or going back on this path I committed to.  I just keep getting a little closer to my dreams.  And so it goes.  Until next post.  Life is truly Zrilliant!

Friday, November 14, 2008

God/Spirit Express Through All Of Us


Good morning,

Yes I know, it's been awhile since I posted.  Just been pre-occupied with many things.  And wow, what about the election huh?  I personally am glad for the choice of the American people and yes, there will always be questions and those who challenge the decision made.  But one thing I do know is that the all-intelligent, creative Presence is the source of all that we are.  And even very much in our leaders of our nation, and the world over.  We must believe in the ability and the willingness of this great source to sustain its own creation.  The power and the glory of God/Spirit express through all of us.  That's right, ALL OF US.  Let us recognize ourselves to be a center through which the intelligence and power of the universe find expression.  Infinite mind operating through our being now brings us the manifestation of harmony, order and our highest good.  The consciousness  of peace and plenty is established within all.  My friend, always know and never doubt that all that is necessary to our happiness and well-being now comes into our experience.  Truly have a beautiful day.

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"There can be neither limitations nor lack, for nothing has happened to the perfect activity of God.  It is in full operation for me.  I am now free from any sense of bondage.  All power is given to me from on high.  Knowing this, I am strong with the strength of the all-vitalizing power of the universe.  I am sustained and healed by a constant stream of spiritual energy, which flows through me as radiant health and vitality.  Every fiber of my being responds to this spiritual flow.  I stand revealed as the perfect child of the perfect Father-Mother God.  Strength and courage are my divine birthright and I am now expressing my true self.  All that God/Spirit hath is mine.  I draw from the spiritual treasure house all that I need.  And so it is. "

"We should all just smell well and enjoy ourselves more."
~ Cary Grant (1904-1986) Actor

"Winter is the time of love and of taking the light within.  Earth is the element of winter, and archangel Gabriel and his angels bring us the potential for peace and harmony on Earth."
~ Terry Lynn Taylor, "Angel Days"

Common Ground

I believe that a scientist looking at nonscientific problems is just as dumb as the next guy."
~ Richard Feynman

As Plato convincingly showed through Socrates, simply because a man is and expert in one field, doesn't mean he's an expert in the all-important field of living.  Van Gogh, an expert painter, was tormented.  Beethoven, and expert musician, was tormented.  Nietzsche, an expert philosopher, was tormented. We all seem to  be in the same leaky ark when it comes to the problems of living.

Love, truth, beauty, compassion, fear, anger, hatred, and sorrow, from the floor sweeper to the president, from the nuclear physicist to the gardener, these problematic concepts belong to each and every soul, and each and every soul is equally qualified to discover their meaning.  A doctorate degree in love and truth, or in sorrow and in anger, does not exist save for the one you complete through living.

Chronic self-criticism is one of the commonest attitudes that negates our connection to God and cuts off the flow of Divine Love.  Whereas self-reflection and the honest admission of error is a step toward growth that allows Divine mercy to flow through us and reveal the wisdom heart within, self-criticism dams up the flow.  The belief that we are not worthy of love from ourselves or from God is what Mohamed called "the rebellion against love."

Awareness First

"Acceptance is an outgrowth of awareness.  Greed is there; watch it.  Ambition is there; watch it.  A lust for power is there; watch it.  Right now don't complicate things by the idea of accepting it, because if you try to accept and you cannot, you will start repressing.  That's how people have repressed.  They cannot accept, so the only way is to forget about things and put them in the dark.  Then one is okay, one feels that there is no problem.

First, forget about acceptance.  Just be aware.  When awareness grows and you become clearly alert, acceptance is a natural consequence.  Seeing the fact, one has to accept it because there is nowhere else to go.  What can you do?  It is there just like your two eyes.  They are not four, only two.

Once you accept something, if it is real, only then can it remain.  If it is unreal, it will dissolve.  Love will remain; hate will dissolve.  Compassion will remain; anger will dissolve."
~ Osho

My Zriiliant Journey!

Well, here we go again.  Just about the same as last posting.  Or maybe not.  I now realize why I have not heard from my sponsor or anyone in my upline.  My sponsor quit and I am not sure about others in my upline.  I am not sure yet why except that there is another opportunity in health that seemed to be of better interest.  I can say this did upset me somewhat and made me feel just a little isolated by myself in the business.  Okay, I had to shrug off that feeling and I have decided that no matter what, I will stick with Zrii.  I feel if people come in one business and out the next moment, they truly will never know if they had what it takes to do network marketing.  I know absolutely that there will always be other opportunites and yes, maybe better too.  But one has to follow their own heart and their own bliss.  This is not the example I want to give to those I bring into the business.   A reputaion that I can take the earnings from signing up someone and then dropping and run with it.  NO.  I will be honorable and honest to myself mostly.  And work and mentor anyone who wants to change their financial situation through marketing Zrii and my knowledge of manifestation and abundance that is rightfully ours by divine right of consciousness.  I have to keep on my path and do what I commited to do from day one in this business.  I am not a quiter or one to deceive others simply by not liking where I am at and changing in an instant.  I understand as well that my sponsor and anyone else possibly is being honest and I have to give them credit for that if it is so.  Only they know what and why they chose to jump ship or leave on a different path than Zrii.  But, bottom line.  I am dedicated at this moment in my journey and I will prevail with my goals set forth.  And I am proud to be working with Bill Farley and an outstanding product endorsed by The Chopra Center for Well-being.  Until next post.  Zrii you later!

11-15-05 @ 09:20 AM
Just a side note.  As awakening today I read my daily Kabbalah readings while also on a Zrii conferance call with David Ellzey ( davidellzey.com ) and this was what it said:

There are no accidents in life.  Every person you meet, every word you overhear is part of some elaborate plan to help you elevate, to be better.  Right now, at this moment, you have exactly the circumstances you need to transform your life to your next highest level.

With this thought in mind, look at the problems in your life today and discover how they can be a catalyst for you to think, act, and be better.

So my friend, truly things are in divine order as such.  Good day!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

No Fear


Good morning,

Today is no different than any other. Each of our days there are amazing discoveries to be made about ourselves, our world, our relationship with God/Spirit and each other. Being fully awake and aware is opening to all that is possible. It is inviting good, truth and inspiration to flow into every cell of our being. We can erase fear from our thinking by persistently reorienting ourselves to the voice of divine wisdom. You see my friend, this quiet inner voice urges us to be more of who we are in every situation, at all times. I know we are in a time of great financial chaos and the economy has hurt a lot of us. Loss jobs from downsizing, loss of savings, and so much more. Yes, these are times where before we know it, we are living in fear. I know I even feel it myself as my own part-time job is cutting corners. My hours are being cut too and from day to day I don't know if I go to work the regular shift or what. As was today. But I know we all must be strong and be inline with our true spiritual self. All we have and must do is awaken to our own potential, then trust and take action! That word trust is a very key word. Know that this day is yours and everything about it is good. And as an old slogan, "No fear."

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"Today, I awaken to Spirit within me. As I give myself freely into life, I joyously receive from it. Seeing the good in every person and every event in this day, I respond with joy, peace and new vitality."
"The secret to productive goal setting is in establishing clearly defined goals, writing them down and then focusing on them several times a day with words, pictures and emotions as if we've already achieved them."
~ Denis Waitley

"Everyone who has had an angelic encounter has seen something different from everyone else who has seen or experienced an angel."
~ Eileen Elias Freeman, "Touched by Angels"
Patience and Faith

"Whenever evil befalls us, we ought to ask ourselves, after the first suffering, how we can turn it into good. So shall we take occasion, from one bitter root, to raise perhaps many flowers."
~ Leigh Hunt

Did you know that below the pain and suffering you may now be feeling lies a sacred seed, an eternal embryo waiting for the smallest cleft, the minutest breach in the concrete of pain for it to bloom, to sprout forth, wild-eyed and fragrant into the sweet air of renewal?
Patience ...
Patience and faith ...
Patience and faith ... and the diminutive acorn becomes the mighty oak.
In ancient Greece, there was a famous healing shrine in the city of Trophonius, sacred to the God Asklepias. At the conclusion of a treatment, the patient was led down a path to two springs. The first was called Lethe, from the Greek meaning "forgetfulness." Drinking these waters assisted patients in leaving behind bad mind-habits. The second spring was called Mnemosyne, from the root "remembering." These waters assisted the patients in forming new habits, remembering their insights and putting the new learning to use in their lives.

Get two glasses of water, one representing Lethe and the other Mnemosyne. Take a few letting-go breaths and patiently, slowly enter the place of inner wisdom. What are the mind-habits you are willing to let go now? Acknowledge them and drink the waters of Lethe. What are the mind-habits you most want to remember and intergrate into your life? Acknowledge them and drink the waters of Mnemosyne.

"Once the seeds of suffering are destroyed, your whole life will become a life of delight. So if you are just avoiding suffering, and avoiding facing suffering that is inside you, you are creating a situation in which you will be full of suffering your whole life.

Once the wounds you are carrying come to the surface they start healing. It is a healing process. But I know that when you have a wound you don't want anybody to touch it. You want to hide it, but by hiding it, it is not going to heal. It has to be opened to the sunrays, to the winds.

It may be painful in the beginning, but when it heals, you will understand. And there is no other way to heal it. It has to be brought to consciousness. Just the very bringing to consciousness is the process of healing."
~ Osho

My Zriiliant Journey!

It has been the same path so far. I know I must do more and be just a little more motivated. Seems like the enthusiasm has diminished just a little. Yet, I know I must keep going. Believe me the thoughts of hanging up my bags on this journey has crossed my mind. Although as I have always believed, listen to that small God voice within, that gut feeling, that something that stirs in us. That voice is telling me, stay with it. Because in the long run, it will pay off and the journey will be rewarding. So ... that is what I am doing. I think the biggest problem I face is that little extra money to advertise or buy leads. I am also just a little discouraged too with my sponsor not keeping in touch. In the beginning it was done, but now it is sort of out of sight, out of mind. Okay, maybe he does have other things to do and is busy with stuff. I can either use that as an excuse and let it rule my motivation or use it as a learning tool. I choose the later. I know this is a business and I will not follow suit. I will work with my team when it happens and it will! And I will be excited to see others succeed. That in itself is one of my main purposes to get on the Zrii journey anyway. By helping others, I help myself. It truly is a win-win situation. Wow, now writing that made me feel better. Because it is from the heart and it is my truth. So the saga continues and I know there are more things to come! It is a blessing indeed. Zrii ya!

A Poem That Inspires Me

The following poem has actually set the goal of my life and the reason for this blog. Basically it says to me that love is the only difference between life and a living death. I feel the more love a person has, the higher his evolution and development is. In turn, the higher his development is, the nearer is he to the knowledge of God/Spirit, and of course the most asked question, the meaning of life.
The noblest work on earth, within my ken. Is ministering to the souls of men. And if our vision's true and God is near, his voice will speak to you and you will hear, "Go ye out to all the world and preach for me The Gospel of Immortality." For God's in every man and man's divine. For He hath said, "Let thy light so shine." That unto all others a beacon it shall be, helping and guiding on toward Immortality. Thou canst not help or guide the least one on if thou are not sure thyself the way is true; that is the reason I have come to you. To make it simpler, clearer, unto thee, to find the way to Immortality. If thou hast helped just one poor, lonely soul. To heal a wound and make it whole, then hast thou seen God, and God shall dwell with thee, making thee sure of Immortality.
Contemplate these words. If you have learned to love and appreciate the abundance of God/Spirit around and in us, the natural forces and powers with which we are truly blessed. I encourage you to go out and preach the Gospel of Immortality in your own very unique way.

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