Abundance, Peace, Inspiration, Spiritual and The Connection With Self.

"We are all in this giant wheel of life, this grand circle and we are all connected. If you enjoy these writings and quotes shared, then part of my life mission is complete. Notice that the writings are all of everything, no particular dogma or religion. There are many paths to Spirit. Some of these may apply, while some may not. Take what is beneficial and leave behind that which is not. In part, it is what it is and it is my gift to bring enlightenment to all life here and beyond."

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Truly A life Of Thanksgiving


Good morning,

As we approach Thanksgiving tomorrow.  I thought about this today and wondered how many of us really take into an account of the true meaning of this holiday?  I know for myself, especially this time, I really sit back and contemplate on the many, many things I am very truly thankful for.  As I gather around friends and co-workers and those I meet, I like to initiate from each one, why they are thankful.  Although, as I have expressed before many times, it is not just important to be thankful on this day, as it is to be thankful and have absolute gratitude each and every moment of our existence.  So my dear friend, in preparation think of your gratitude and share it tommorow.  Today is indeed Grand and I am grateful to be part of it with you my dear ones.  As we are all connected and in this wonderful place called life.  Have a good one!

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"The majesty of the Almighty is inherent in my being today.  I am filled with thanks as I understand who and what I really am.  The greatness and grandeur of the infinite possibility is established in my consciousness.  My divinity is innate.  I look with reverence upon the Mother/Father within me.  I accept the ease with which all things are done, the dignity with which Spirit maintains me in all situations.  Universal mind is the Lord of my life.  Spirit is my sovereign and it works through me now.  I thrill to the immensity of life, and I am loved and warmed as I realize the infinite personalness of God/Spirit in me."

"The important thing is not to stop questioning.  Curiosity has its own reason for existing.  One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality.  It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day.  Never lose a holy curiosity."
~ Albert Einstein

We may wonder about the mystery, but the mystery wonders not about us.  If we ask not, it won't answer; if we inquire not, it won't reveal; if we have not passion, it will seem passionless; if we are indefferent, it will be indifferent to us.

Start today the never-ending inquiry into the starling mystery that is being alive.  After all, if we consider for only a moment the incredible commingling of events that conspired to put us here, then this alone should inspire enough wonderment to get us started.

The choice between living a life in the full bosom of awe, or living a hollow unexamined life devoid of the sanctity of mystery, resides within each of our breats.  

As one can retrospect in their life, it can be clear that the people, from whom we have learned the most, may have been once our enemies.  They were possibly the people who confronted us with ethical difficulites and may have made you think about the notions of right or wrong.  In those many cases, they may have been reflections of our own self-righteousness, paranoia or fear.  In other cases, they may have been real and tangible harm.  Although in few instances forgiveness came easily, and in others it was a process that spanned many years.  The instances in which forgiveness took the longest, and was the most difficult, more than likely turned out to contain the most valuable teachings.

Begin today be practicing tonglen in behalf of our enemies (and ourselves, of course, since forgiveness ultimately sets the forgiver free).  It's best to begin with a "minor enemy" unless you have a strong wish to let go of a more vibrant resentment.  Begin, as always with the memory of a holy moment when your heart was open and you felt connected with the universe.  Now bring your enemy to mind.  Imagine the pain and ignorance that led them to behave in a way that was hurtful.  See it as a thick black smoke that obsures the true Light in the heart.  Breathe the smoke into your own heart's Light, and return your Light to them.  Continue until the Lights in your two hearts touch.
My Zriiliant Journey!

Just a quick note here.  The journy lives on and I want to say how thankful I am for the opportunity to be of service to help others live their dreams and be more physically healthy in the process.  In turn, I am living my dreams and desires as well as my compassion for others.  So yes indeed, I am truly grateful and I am blessed.  Even though I have only been on this journey for just under 3 months, I can't wait for the next few to unfold.  That's it for now and until my next Zrilliant post.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Take A Deep Breath And Forgive


Good morning,

We are incredibly blessed today with the wisdom to have within us, the ability to forgive.  I know even I have faced times where forgiving another is not so easy, that is understandable.  Although the wisdom and ability is already inherent in each one of us.  Therefore, I truly believe that to forgive is to first absolutely forgive ourselves.  You see, what we see in another, whether it is fault, misunderstanding or hatred, is greatly mirrored from our own very being.  One must first step back, take into account that what we may see in another, is really what we see in ourselves.  If we take the time to learn to practice this, then we may be very surprised at the compassion we have of others.  And in turn, we learn deeply about our own being, our own unique issues.  If we do see a fault, then maybe it really is just an error in which we are living a human moment, and can be forgiven.  A misunderstanding may be nothing more than truly listening, learning and seeing the other side of the story before judgments are made.  Then of course there is that awful word called hatred, this is nothing more than a lack of love.  If we learn to embrace each issue with love, compassion and respect, then we indeed have shown the God/Spirit in each one of us.  In turn our judgements are set aside and forgiveness is set in motion.  At that moment a healing has taken its course and all is divinely blessed.  So today and beyond my dear friend, be cautious; be aware of your words, actions and feelings.  Today, have beautiful moments.  It's truly all very good!

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"And so we bring our attention now to the truth of our being, knowing that all the people we contact this day are blessed by our own awareness and recognition of who they truly are.  I now realease this into the law of mind and so it is.  Amen"

"A good rest is half the work."
~ Yugoslav proverb

In this fast-paced computerized world many of us consider taking time out for a good rest as irresponsible as falling asleep on sentry duty (take a deep breath).  Somehow, busyness has now become synonymous with progress, and we feel that we're cheating ourselves if our new sacred cow, busyness, is not constantly chewing the cud (take another deep breath).

But what better preparation for the travail of modern life than the recentering and harnessing of energy that a good rest affords?  Without proper relaxation, we become nervous and irritable, and have trouble focusing, thereby generating even more work, and so the cycle of frantic activity continues (and another deep breath).  Meanwhile, within the stillness and quietude of a good rest breeds the necessary energy to be completely engaged in the work at hand ( and another deep breath).

Furthermore, proper rest alleviates stress, and less stress means better mental and physical health, and better mental and physical health means ... means a lot! (First one more deep breath.)

Jesus taught his followers a prayer that has come to be called the "Our Father."  More precise translations from the original Aramaic are closer to "Oh Cosmic Birther" than to "Father."  Scholar Neil Douglas Klotz has translated this prayer very carefully, revealing a deeper beauty and wisdom than the traditional version.  The part of the prayer that usually translates "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors" retranslates, "Loose the cords of mistakes binding us as we release the strands we hold on others guilt."  In this way we clear the vessels of the Divine Body from obsturctions and enable the whole to rise free in the Light of the heart.

Oh Cosmic Birther, Father/Mother God, please teach me the sacrament of forgiveness so that in forgiving others I can finally forgive myself and help all things attain the freedom of a peaceful heart.

Take a few letting-go breaths and slowly, patiently come into the inner stillness, the Holy of Holies.  Comtemplate the strands you are holding of othe peoples guilt.  Do you really want to keep holding on and making their errors into your burdens?  Consider how it might feel to let go of their guilt.  If you wish to begin or accelerate this process, ask for the help of Archangel Raphael
My Zriiliant Journey!

Well nothing new has really changed.  Still on the journey and I get so inspired each and every day.  I don't know how to explain it.  Maybe the quiet before the storm?  Or better yet, a child during the Christmas holidays knowing that the tree is empty right now with gifts that you know will suddenly appear overnight under the tree.  Kind of like that kind of waiting.  Now I am not talking about a miracle or something magic here to just appear.  As I do know it takes a lot of work on my part.  But in any case, that is the sort of feeling I have lately.  I can actually feel it, taste it and know it so the day I can just be able to be financially free and helping others do the same.  And not only that, but representing a product that will and can change the lives of others.  So really it is all a grand thing.  You know I sort of spoke in the past few posts how difficult and ranting and raving on how I felt isolated and on my own.  Even toying with the idea of also throwing in the towel.  But, I just read a great email from another executive a few days ago by the name of Dave Vass.  And how he too in his 16 months had similar stuggles and thought of quitting too.  But he now is a ranking 9 star executive along with his brother.  So this just makes more sense to me to keep on keeping on.  My thanks to him for the perfect timing of his inspiration.  All truly is as stated, in divine order and nothing is left to chance.  My journey may not be taking enourmous steps right now, but at least I know I am not stopping or going back on this path I committed to.  I just keep getting a little closer to my dreams.  And so it goes.  Until next post.  Life is truly Zrilliant!

Friday, November 14, 2008

God/Spirit Express Through All Of Us


Good morning,

Yes I know, it's been awhile since I posted.  Just been pre-occupied with many things.  And wow, what about the election huh?  I personally am glad for the choice of the American people and yes, there will always be questions and those who challenge the decision made.  But one thing I do know is that the all-intelligent, creative Presence is the source of all that we are.  And even very much in our leaders of our nation, and the world over.  We must believe in the ability and the willingness of this great source to sustain its own creation.  The power and the glory of God/Spirit express through all of us.  That's right, ALL OF US.  Let us recognize ourselves to be a center through which the intelligence and power of the universe find expression.  Infinite mind operating through our being now brings us the manifestation of harmony, order and our highest good.  The consciousness  of peace and plenty is established within all.  My friend, always know and never doubt that all that is necessary to our happiness and well-being now comes into our experience.  Truly have a beautiful day.

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"There can be neither limitations nor lack, for nothing has happened to the perfect activity of God.  It is in full operation for me.  I am now free from any sense of bondage.  All power is given to me from on high.  Knowing this, I am strong with the strength of the all-vitalizing power of the universe.  I am sustained and healed by a constant stream of spiritual energy, which flows through me as radiant health and vitality.  Every fiber of my being responds to this spiritual flow.  I stand revealed as the perfect child of the perfect Father-Mother God.  Strength and courage are my divine birthright and I am now expressing my true self.  All that God/Spirit hath is mine.  I draw from the spiritual treasure house all that I need.  And so it is. "

"We should all just smell well and enjoy ourselves more."
~ Cary Grant (1904-1986) Actor

"Winter is the time of love and of taking the light within.  Earth is the element of winter, and archangel Gabriel and his angels bring us the potential for peace and harmony on Earth."
~ Terry Lynn Taylor, "Angel Days"

Common Ground

I believe that a scientist looking at nonscientific problems is just as dumb as the next guy."
~ Richard Feynman

As Plato convincingly showed through Socrates, simply because a man is and expert in one field, doesn't mean he's an expert in the all-important field of living.  Van Gogh, an expert painter, was tormented.  Beethoven, and expert musician, was tormented.  Nietzsche, an expert philosopher, was tormented. We all seem to  be in the same leaky ark when it comes to the problems of living.

Love, truth, beauty, compassion, fear, anger, hatred, and sorrow, from the floor sweeper to the president, from the nuclear physicist to the gardener, these problematic concepts belong to each and every soul, and each and every soul is equally qualified to discover their meaning.  A doctorate degree in love and truth, or in sorrow and in anger, does not exist save for the one you complete through living.

Chronic self-criticism is one of the commonest attitudes that negates our connection to God and cuts off the flow of Divine Love.  Whereas self-reflection and the honest admission of error is a step toward growth that allows Divine mercy to flow through us and reveal the wisdom heart within, self-criticism dams up the flow.  The belief that we are not worthy of love from ourselves or from God is what Mohamed called "the rebellion against love."

Awareness First

"Acceptance is an outgrowth of awareness.  Greed is there; watch it.  Ambition is there; watch it.  A lust for power is there; watch it.  Right now don't complicate things by the idea of accepting it, because if you try to accept and you cannot, you will start repressing.  That's how people have repressed.  They cannot accept, so the only way is to forget about things and put them in the dark.  Then one is okay, one feels that there is no problem.

First, forget about acceptance.  Just be aware.  When awareness grows and you become clearly alert, acceptance is a natural consequence.  Seeing the fact, one has to accept it because there is nowhere else to go.  What can you do?  It is there just like your two eyes.  They are not four, only two.

Once you accept something, if it is real, only then can it remain.  If it is unreal, it will dissolve.  Love will remain; hate will dissolve.  Compassion will remain; anger will dissolve."
~ Osho

My Zriiliant Journey!

Well, here we go again.  Just about the same as last posting.  Or maybe not.  I now realize why I have not heard from my sponsor or anyone in my upline.  My sponsor quit and I am not sure about others in my upline.  I am not sure yet why except that there is another opportunity in health that seemed to be of better interest.  I can say this did upset me somewhat and made me feel just a little isolated by myself in the business.  Okay, I had to shrug off that feeling and I have decided that no matter what, I will stick with Zrii.  I feel if people come in one business and out the next moment, they truly will never know if they had what it takes to do network marketing.  I know absolutely that there will always be other opportunites and yes, maybe better too.  But one has to follow their own heart and their own bliss.  This is not the example I want to give to those I bring into the business.   A reputaion that I can take the earnings from signing up someone and then dropping and run with it.  NO.  I will be honorable and honest to myself mostly.  And work and mentor anyone who wants to change their financial situation through marketing Zrii and my knowledge of manifestation and abundance that is rightfully ours by divine right of consciousness.  I have to keep on my path and do what I commited to do from day one in this business.  I am not a quiter or one to deceive others simply by not liking where I am at and changing in an instant.  I understand as well that my sponsor and anyone else possibly is being honest and I have to give them credit for that if it is so.  Only they know what and why they chose to jump ship or leave on a different path than Zrii.  But, bottom line.  I am dedicated at this moment in my journey and I will prevail with my goals set forth.  And I am proud to be working with Bill Farley and an outstanding product endorsed by The Chopra Center for Well-being.  Until next post.  Zrii you later!

11-15-05 @ 09:20 AM
Just a side note.  As awakening today I read my daily Kabbalah readings while also on a Zrii conferance call with David Ellzey ( davidellzey.com ) and this was what it said:

There are no accidents in life.  Every person you meet, every word you overhear is part of some elaborate plan to help you elevate, to be better.  Right now, at this moment, you have exactly the circumstances you need to transform your life to your next highest level.

With this thought in mind, look at the problems in your life today and discover how they can be a catalyst for you to think, act, and be better.

So my friend, truly things are in divine order as such.  Good day!

A Poem That Inspires Me

The following poem has actually set the goal of my life and the reason for this blog. Basically it says to me that love is the only difference between life and a living death. I feel the more love a person has, the higher his evolution and development is. In turn, the higher his development is, the nearer is he to the knowledge of God/Spirit, and of course the most asked question, the meaning of life.
The noblest work on earth, within my ken. Is ministering to the souls of men. And if our vision's true and God is near, his voice will speak to you and you will hear, "Go ye out to all the world and preach for me The Gospel of Immortality." For God's in every man and man's divine. For He hath said, "Let thy light so shine." That unto all others a beacon it shall be, helping and guiding on toward Immortality. Thou canst not help or guide the least one on if thou are not sure thyself the way is true; that is the reason I have come to you. To make it simpler, clearer, unto thee, to find the way to Immortality. If thou hast helped just one poor, lonely soul. To heal a wound and make it whole, then hast thou seen God, and God shall dwell with thee, making thee sure of Immortality.
Contemplate these words. If you have learned to love and appreciate the abundance of God/Spirit around and in us, the natural forces and powers with which we are truly blessed. I encourage you to go out and preach the Gospel of Immortality in your own very unique way.

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