Abundance, Peace, Inspiration, Spiritual and The Connection With Self.

"We are all in this giant wheel of life, this grand circle and we are all connected. If you enjoy these writings and quotes shared, then part of my life mission is complete. Notice that the writings are all of everything, no particular dogma or religion. There are many paths to Spirit. Some of these may apply, while some may not. Take what is beneficial and leave behind that which is not. In part, it is what it is and it is my gift to bring enlightenment to all life here and beyond."

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

You Are Brilliant!


Good morning,

Wow, what another fantastic and beautiful day! Today know and dearly believe that all is very good. All is very precious. All is absolutely God/Spirit in action. Be your very best, that's all you can be. Never ever doubt your brilliance and potential that is rightfully yours. Don't ever forget that you are truly a magnificent and powerful spiritual being already. Just a few words for you. Have a super duper day!

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"I am willing to surrender the stories about the conditions of my life. I rest in my divine, eternal nature and tell the true story of my life in Spirit."

"Living, just by itself - what a dirge that is! Life is a classroom and boredom's the usher, there all the time to spy on you, whatever happens, you've got to look as if you were awfully busy all the time doing something that's terribly exciting - or he'll come along and nibble your brain."
- Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Boredom, that insidious character, can make people do the most harmful things, not the lest of which is abuse, alcohol and drugs. Equal to the weariness we all at times feel is the imagination we all have. When bored, we need only employ this exciting gift to be transported to Olympus. Indeed, idle time can be the most creative time, for it is then that we have the opportunity to seize the ideas that otherwise get lost in the daily shuffle.

"In Native American tradition, there is an affliction called two-heartedness. A person is two-hearted when they know they have a certain gift and want to use it, but don't bring forth their creativity because they get in their own way by making excuses, thinking that they really don't have the talent, procrastinating, giving in to fear or otherwise failing to follow their heart. A person is also two-hearted when they lie to themselves about their true motivation."

Before going to bed, take time to retrospect your day. Were you one or two-hearted? If you made excuses about why you couldn't accomplish the things you really believe are important, what were they? Take time to ask Spirit and Gabriel, the angel of creativity and strength, to help you bring forth your purpose with a single mind and heart.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Being Grateful


Good morning,

My friends, it has been awhile since I have wrote. I have been busy and on vacation and just returned, and now back to the routine. I have recently visited and spent a few days on the Navajo and Hopi reservations and wow, what an experience. A friend who visited me and I both enjoyed this trip. I think the most interesting thing I learned from this journey is the fact that we are all one and the same in Spirit. As I observed the people and their culture, one thing I found out was that they are proud and happy for what they have. A great learning experience. Something I think most of us may find it difficult to do in our own little world. I think we are attached to so many things and when we find we don't have them or are on the verge of loosing them we become just a little bit crazy and such. Even to the point of doing just about anything to get it back or obtain what we think will make us happy. If you contemplate this a little, how many things in your world do you rely on to make you happy? Or should I say you think it makes you happy. There is nothing outside of us that truly makes one happy. All is only temporal. If we just stop and start being grateful for all that we have right now in our lives and know it is okay, then the Great Spirit, God, the Universe is ready to give us more. I think the Native Americans knew this as all indigenous people have and still live it today for the most part. Myself, I have always lived life as being grateful and saying many thanks always in all ways. Although this journey I took the last few days has truly made me re-evaluate my level of gratefulness. I now know it even more and I guess you can even say I am grateful for this too. So much to elaborate on this, but I guess what I would ask you is this. What things are you grateful for? Do you look outside of yourself to find things or people to make you happy? How attached are you to things? I am not saying it is wrong to have things or being happy for things outside of yourself. But, when you are in a state of feeling a lack of or depressed and seek for external things to solve your desire to be happy and not first just being happy already within, having a gratitude for what you already have and trusting in Spirit to provide. Then the connection between Spirit and yourself is separated in those moments leaving you to provide for the ego. Just practice a little in your day to day outings the many things in your life to be truly in gratitude about. Know also that all you want, wish and desire are already yours within and claim it so. And once you can establish this practice, then the Universe can respond to anything else you need or want. But be careful to be really attached to anything. As nothing is really ours anyway and just a loan from Spirit as a blessing in our lives. Because as quickly as it may come, it can leave just as well. So as I remember the smiles and laughter of the people I saw on my small trip. I think on an outer surface they seem to be poor, lack of the good life as we know it and needy. But, I think what we misunderstand that as, is they are really ahead of the game and truly in touch with The Great Spirit and know they are blessed for all things in their life. Something we truly can learn from. My friend, go forth today and be in touch with your Spirit, laugh and love, for it's all good!

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"Today I am centered in the goodness of God/The Great Spirit. I am filled with thanksgiving for all that life has bestowed upon me and those around me. I look at all life through the prism of gratitude, and what I see is thus magnified in joy. Grateful for all that I have and the people in my life, they look back at me with eyes warmed by sweet love. I am so very happy to be me and I love myself. I am truly happy to just be alive and know all is good, as all is God. And so it is."

It seems to us that from the earliest times, man's natural state was to be free as our grandfathers told us and we believe that freedom is inherent to life. We recognize this principle as the key to peace, respect from one another and the understanding of the natural law that prevails over all the universe and adherence to this law is the only salvation of our future on the planet, Mother Earth.
- Oren Lyons, Onondaga, 1987

Monday, July 14, 2008

Creative Self Expression


Good afternoon,

As my day off from the usual work day and looking out my window seeing the awsome thunder storms roll in and around, I am reminded of how we must live the story of creation. Know this my friend that we all have immediately available, at all times, all the substance and all the tools of the Master Builder. We are absolutely one of Spirit's workers. We were created so that the Creator could be fulfilled through you and I. We create by receiving and accepting universal ideas as the law of life. We are an individual creative center in Divine Mind. Knowing that our life is forever changing and forever renewing itself, because the pattern from which it is created is perfect and infinite. I also must remind you that thoughts are things, so choose your thoughts wisely and direct them definitely and positively. This process is "the Word" which is "in the beginning." The creative power of God/Spirit is our creative power today! My friend, you are the channel through which creation takes place. Of yourself, you can create nothing, but when you recognize the Infinite in you there is no limit to what can be created through you. Creative self-expression is the main goal of your whole life. When you are expressing yourself creatively you are living life to the fullest. Also know this, things do not just happen to you, but they happen through you because of what you think, feel and believe. So as we go about in this new day, claim at this very moment your right to act, think, feel and believe that which is of Spirit. And humbly cooperate creatively with God. Have a very good day!

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"Anything I can conceive of in my consciousness, I create. The eternal process of creation is taking place through me now. Conception takes place in my consciousness each time I receive an idea. I am impregnated with the divine ideas of God today. The conviction of my subjective thought directs the law in creating good and perfection in my life. I move forward along the new frontiers of thought, creating new channels for the flow of fresh and vital experiences. I use God/Spirit's creativity in me today."

"True love does not come by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly."
- Jason Jordan

"The testimony of a good conscience will make the comforts of heaven descend upon man's weary head like refreshing dew of shower upon a parched land. It will give him lively ernests and secret anticipations of approaching joy; it will bid his soul go out of the body undauntedly, and lift up his head with confidence before saints and angels."
- Robert South

"No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks."
- Saint Ambrose

Life requires our adoration and appreciation. When we become selfish and complacent, and take life's abundance for granted, it inevitably provides us with a harsh and unforgettable wake-up call. This call is part of the price exacted by life, to remind us that we were born free, and that to maintain this freedom requires a certain quality of awareness, as well as a certain amount of gratefulness and praise.

Many are the nights of anguish and travail when we've become so self-centered as to lose touch with our spirit. To treat the gift of life as anything other than a sacred gift is to be mercenary, and to invite the wrath of the gods.

Where there is no vision, the people perish.
- Proverbs 29:18

Everyone lives according to some vision, whether it is conscious or not. That vision becomes the hidden force that energizes our motivations. It is important to articulate a vision by which we can live, so that we can hold ourselves accountable to those values that are most important, and in so doing, prosper and flourish.

Respond to this moment. That's what responsibility is. Someone would like to marry you. Now you are puzzled as to whether to say yes or no, so you go to the I Ching.

"It is your life - why leave it for someone who has written a book five thousand years ago to decide for you? It is better to decide on your own. Even if you err and go astray, it is still better to decide on your own. And even if you don't go astray and you have a more successful life through the I Ching, it is still not good, because you are avoiding responsibility.

Through responsibility, one grows. Take responsibility into your hands. These are ways of avoiding. Some people give responsibility to God, others to Karma, others to Destiny, others to the I Ching. But we become spiritual when we take the whole responsibility on our own shoulders.

The responsibility is tremendous, and your shoulders are weak, that I know. But when you take on the responsibility, they will become stronger. There is no other way for them to grow and become stronger."
- Osho

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Your Rose Garden


Good morning,

As we approach this day knowing that the many people we meet and come in contact with, including strangers, our friends and relatives are one of the most precious gifts given to us in life. I encourage for you to treat each one as a delicate rose, beautiful and unique in itself. Be very careful not to grasp it too tightly however, or smother it. This rose as a symbol of those in your life may wither and even die if you are not careful. Let that rose have an opportunity to be of inspiration to everyone else it comes into contact with. Share its fragrance, its essence and its beauty. Let that rose in your life know you cherish its absolute expression of Spirit. Let this rose, the symbol of those in your life know that they are truly valued and not just taken for granted.

How do you tend to your rose gardens? Are they nourished with the right amount of love and respect? Have you expressed to them love and told them thank you for just being the beautiful creation of God/Spirit that they are? If not, then why not? With this in mind dear one, I send those words to you from me in this writing right now. Thank you. I love you. Have a Super Day!

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"Today, within my own being, I take on the title of Mahatma. I step into being that 'Great Soul' by committing to being the very thing in my life that I desire. The time is now. I am the change I wish to see! And for this, I give such great thanks. God/Spirit is so very good. And so it is."

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."
- Anais Nin

When we happen upon a person who will be a friend, we recognize that person immediately, not only because of the instant and easy rapport, but also because of something unnameable, something intangible, like the birth of a star that says this is a kindred spirit, a brother in the wilderness, a lamp in the house of Usher.

With a friend all things are possible. We can argue, laugh, cry, and even act the fool with no one quite so often and so well as we can with a friend. Our friends are our selves in a different guise, integral pieces of the maddening puzzle.

A day without friends is no day at all, but a lonely, anguished night.

Hold fast to your friends, for without friendship the world would perish.

As a young adult, if you have successfully made the psychic separation from your parents into your own sense of self, then you may have articulated an opinion about the most important questions in life: "Who am I? What is the meaning of life? Is there even a God?" But it really isn't until midlife that our spiritual understandings really begin to ripen, following the experience of what theologian, James Fowler calls the "sacrament of defeat." Our youthful idealism crumbles, and we then are faced with the fact that there are not really true answers to life's greatest paradoxes and no way to escape impermanence and suffering. We find that sometimes bad things routinely happen to good people. At this point the scaffolding of outer religious belief often topples, and if we successfully negotiate the ensuing dark night of the soul, a deeper spiritual understanding may and can emerge.

If possible today, take a mindful walk. When you return, contemplate the religious or spiritual beliefs of your own young adulthood. Did you undergo a "sacrament of defeat" at some point when you may have found your suffering was so intense that all your previous ideas about the universe crumbled? If so, did any new spiritual or religious beliefs begin to emerge? Make a few notes for later in the week. And then come back to it and reevaluate it again.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The love of money...


Good afternoon,

My friends, this past weekend raised an interesting conversation. I was asked, "why is it that when ever I sit down to write out my checks to pay my bills, my stomach hurts and I just find other things to do to delay me from finishing my check writing?" I further asked, what do you believe is the concept behind money, what it is all about? Not a surprise to me I got the answer. I also in the past with other conversations and hearing people discuss money and finances heard the same thing. It is simply this belief and often very misquoted as, 'money is the root of all evil'. This quote is originated in the Bible, Timothy 6:10 (King James Version).
For the love of money is the root of all evil: Which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
As you can see, it states that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. Not that money itself is evil. In fact, money is simply a means of exchange for services rendered and it is God/Spirit in action. There is no reason why money itself is evil or bad. It is our internal belief system that for whatever reasons we have, created or fearing. And then if we look at fear, this too is simply the lack of love. As we have all heard, FEAR is, False Evidence Appearing Real. So the evidence we have about money being evil is false making in our thoughts appearing real. I think when we have trouble dealing with financial issues in life for whatever reasons, its our beliefs which is stuck on the concept of having lack of or less than. Remember, we are infinite and spiritual beings who has everything already and is divinely ours by right of consciousness. We just have to train our thought system to accept it now and claim it as so. Before I realized this myself, I had similar beliefs and feelings whenever it came to dealing with my finances. There are however some things I do different now that you my friend may want to try. Whenever I sit down to pay my bills and evaluate my finances, whether it is writing checks or doing it over the internet. I create an atmosphere of bliss, connecting with Spirit. I put on some appropriate music, invite God/Spirit to be present and know it is done. I take each bill and realize it as a blessing. Say for instance a medical bill, I give thanks that I was able to find a means to get well or have the treatment needed in. Or a utility bill, having the means to electricity, gas or water to go about my daily business. As well as having the institutions granting me credit. ahead of time . And then lastly, I thank Spirit for the means to be able to pay it. I then seal the "deal" if you want to call it that, by writing in the memo, if writing a check, "Thank You God!" If mailing I stamp the envelope and kiss it as a final blessing. I have found that by doing this, it releases a hidden energy of gratitude that normally is a feeling of anger, resentment or depression otherwise. Know this dear one, as quoted by Ernest Holmes the founder of Religious Science, "There is power for good in the universe and you can use it. Change your mind and change your life." For you today, have a most blessed one.

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"There is one God, one Life and one Divine Intelligence that is everywhere at all times, being all things. I know God/Spirit wants nothing but happiness, prosperity and vibrant life for me now. I know life always seeks to nourish itself and expand. This nourishing, expanding intelligence is being me right now. It is everywhere and since it contains everything, it lacks absolutely nothing. It is complete prosperity, comprising everything there is in the universe. This very moment, this prosperity is giving my body breath, life and provides everything that I need, want and desire as soon as I open myself up to claim and receive it. I know that abundance on all levels is my inherent nature to enjoy and share freely, for my life is a creative expression of God/Spirit in action. I now welcome this prosperity into my life as a natural expression of the Divine that fills and flows through me. I am so grateful to God/Spirit for bringing this prosperity into my life this very moment as I speak these words. I now release this treatment/prayer and let it go, as I know that the Divine Source has heard and is nourishing all. And so it is."

"The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see between living fully and just existing."
- Michael Gerber

"Whom we are chaged and fretted by small cares, a look, at the stars will show us the littleness of our own interests."
- Maria Mitchell

Small cares can present large problems, for they tend to obscure clear thinking. A look to the heavens, to the endless expanse of starry space at night, does plenty to dissolve the petty problems accumulated during the day.

To gaze at the stars and see our own life reflected therein; to be touched by light that has traveled innumerable miles, is to be both calmed and awed by the miracle of it all, the incredible improbability that the universe is, and we are of it.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Spiritual Rhythm


Good afternoon,

Can you hear it? ... Can you? There is a rhythm, harmony, and music through life. Just as we respond to the rhythm of a favorite song, we respond to the call of life's music. All that which is harmonious and beautiful in life strikes a chord of recognition within us. That which is like the beauty and rhythm of God/Spirit within is called forth by our paying attention to the evidence of God's hand upon this world. So my friend, today let us be lifted up by the heavenly music. Let our souls be raised up by the spiritual rhythm of the everyday world. Let us be led to better choices and new avenues as we join in with the song. And to our wonderful delight, we truly can confirm that this melody of God/Spirit comes from within our very being, even as we recognize that its origins are in something greater that we usually recognize ourselves to be. You most definitely have an absolutely beautiful day!

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be you...




"The sounds of rhythm of life are music to me. I allow the song of life around me and in me to lift me up and nourish me. I hear the beautiful melody of life in my home, on the street, and in my place of work. I am transformed by the harmony that fills my mind and soul."

"The truth doesn't hurt unless it ought to."
- B.C. Forbes (1880-1954) Founder of Forbes magazine

"The angels get excited whenever men and women begin to face the truth about themselves."
- Ann Spangler, "An Angel A Day"

"Divine each difficulty into as many parts as its feasible and necessary to resolve it."
- Rene Descartes

Simplifying a problem by breaking it down into its component parts is an important skill, a skill worth matering due to its breadth of application. Not only is this skill of practical value in the common affairs of science and business, but also in dealing with the difficulties of relationships. ~ Instead of considering the complexities of a long-standing relationship too difficult to master and leaving it at that, perhaps if we divide the problem we may be having into parts, we could conquer it and thus reenter the world of healthy relationships. ~ Presumably, somewhere along the line in the puzzle of our now troubled relationship, all the pieces fit; otherwise, how could we have come this far? Although through the auspices of time and change the pieces may presently be scrambled, they are essentially the same and will bear redesigning - if, that is we have the desire to discover which pieces are essential, and the patience to take them one piece at a time.

The Lord Krishna who give spiritual instruction to the Prince Arjuna in the classic Hindu text, the Bhagavad-Gita, says, "It is better to do your own duty, however imperfectly, than to assume the duties of another person, however successfully. Prefer to die doing your own duty; the duty of another will bring you into great spiritual danger."

To know something, one has to lose it.

"Everybody goes astray from their inner world, the inner space, and then by and by one feels starved, hungry for it. An appetite arises, a thirst is felt. The call comes from the innermost self to come back home, and one starts traveling. That's what being a seeker is. It is going to the warm inner space that you left on day. You will not be gaining something new. You will gaining something that was always there, but it will still be a gain because now for the first time, you will see what it is. The last time you were in the space, you were oblivious to it. ~ One cannot be aware of something if one has not left it. So everything is good. Going astray is also good. To sin is also good, because that is the only way to become a saint."

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The passionate artist


Good morning,

As I greet this awsome day in which I appraoch with full understanding that there is a true master at work in everything and in everyone I meet. Yesterday, while doing my normal job being a courier for a well known company. My route takes me on some interesting places and some beautiful parts of Sedona that can be hidden to an every day drive. I find myself wondering, how can we deny this magnificent power, this humble and passionate artist. Yes I am refering to God/Spirit. I most graciously say thank you for it all. Thank you God/Spirit for it all and for what my journeys this day will again bring me. I look forward to it and I am blessed. Have a wonderful day!

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...



"It is the Self who sees, hears, smells, touches, and tastes, who thinks, acts, and is pure consciousness. The self is Brahman, changeless and supreme. Those who know the supreme self as formless, without shadow, without impurity, know all, gentle friend, and live in all. Those who know the Self, the seat of consciousness, in whom the breath and all the senses live, know all, gentle friend, and live in all."
- Prashna Upanishad

The beauty of nature clears our mind because it draws us into the present moment. Kallistos Ware, a Greek Orthodox priest, said that the present is the place where time touches eternity. In Greek, chronos means, "clock time." Kairos means "the eternal present." Now is where chronos and kairos meet, creating a space of limitless possiblity. This is the space in which miracles occur that defy the rules of time and space, as we know them. This is also the space in which mystics have visions and angels appear.

Today, practice mindful walking outside. Center your attention in the "bridging earth and heaven" meditation. When you breathe out from your heart, follow your breath into a mindful appreciation of the beauty all around you. Ask archangel Gabriel to walk with you and help you stay in the now. Talk to your guardian angel and ask for whatever help or guidance you need.

72 Name Of The Month


AYIN -------- HEY -------- HEY

(scan from right to left)

(Excerpted from Yehuda Berg's 72 Names Meditation Book)

Hei Hei Ayin - Unconditional Love


As I focus on unconditional love for all people around me the dark forces within are cast out.

Now as I picture those people in my mind I feel only love.

Light washes over them and me. I recognize the common thread that we share the spark of the creator.

My heart opens as I wish them joy and fulfillment peace and greater understanding.

We are one soul as greater compassion and humanity awaken within for those around me, my family, friends and neighbors.

Those positive feelings fan out toward all humanity as love washes over everyone bringing greater peace understanding and harmony throughout the world.

-Taken from the Kabbalah Center International, Los Angeles, CA 90035, USA
A little something extra to ponder on.
Many years to learn just 19 thoughts.

  • Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
  • If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be "meetings."
  • There is a very find line between "hobby" and "mental illness."
  • People who want to share their religiouos views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.
  • And when God, who created the entire universe with all of its glories, decides to deliver a message to humanity, he WILL NOTuse, as His messenger, a person on cable TV with a bad hairstyle.
  • You should not confuse your career with your life.
  • No matter what happens, somebody will find a way to take it too seriously.
  • When trouble arises and things look bad, there is always one individual who perceives a solution and is willing to take command. Very often, that individual is crazy.
  • Nobody cares if you can't dance well, just get up and dance.
  • Never lick a steak knife.
  • Take out the fortune before you eat the cookie.
  • The most destructive force in the universe is gossip.
  • You will never find anybody who can give you a clear and compelling reason why we observe daylight savings time.
  • You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests that you think she's pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment.
  • There comes a time when you should stop expecting other people to make a big deal about your birthday. That time is age eleven.
  • The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside, we ALL believe that we are above average drivers.
  • The main accomplishment of almost all organized protests is to annoy people who are not in them.
  • A person, who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person.
(This is very important. Pay attention. It never fails.)
  • Your friends love you anyway.


"My words today are centered in gratitude. I find endless reason to express this gratitude, and I do so sincerely, with a genuine sense of love for all I am. Each time I look with gratitude upon someone, I set in motion a perfect cycle of love, and all are benefited thereby. And so it is. Amen."

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Law of belief, law of attraction


Good morning,

There is no place where the Infinite leaves off and humankind begins. Our life is some part of God's life, but we are given the freedom to discover the resources of our divinity. Since our thought is creative, we often experience a lack that our ignorance of God/Spirit gives birth to. The prophet Jesus had answered those who were concerned about their personal needs in the words recorded by Matthew, the the bible verse of Matthew 6:30, "Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?" I believe that Jesus knew the human tendency to separate God from living, and therefore to miss the very significance of God as a loving manifestation who desires to give of all the abundance that is rightfully ours to each one of us. Jesus also knew the law of belief, way before what we now hear today so much about, the law of attraction. No one can accept the good he or she does not believe in! My understanding is simply this, when our thoughts abide in God/Spirit or a higher source, we shall without any doubt have abundant living. My dear friend, you have a truly wonderful and brilliant day!

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...


"Nothing grows well in the shade of a big tree."
- Constantin Brancusi (1876-1957) Sculptor

"Eccentricity is not, as dull people would have us believe, a form of madness. It is often a kind of innocent pride, and the man of genius and the aristocrat are frequently regarded as eccentrics because the genius and aristocrat are entirely unafraid of and uninfluenced by the opinions and vagaries of the crowd."
- Dane Edith Sitwell


Opnion hold great sway in our lives. Simply observe your own mad attemps to remain fashionable. Amid the changing fashions in cars and clothes, and so forth, keeping up with the Joneses assumes unnatural proportions. ~ Why is being different in a supposedly free society such an anathema? Even the kids who get tattoos or nose rings aren't different, they're merely trying to conform to their particular group. Through their clothes are clean and well suited to them, we still tend to look mockingly at the elderly who at long las have disdained to buy into fads, we having failed to realize in our latest designer jeans that true style is never antiquated. ~ Stle is not a fad but a state of being. A stylish woman will wear her grandmother's dress with grace, whereas a woman who runs with the fashions may well look slovenly in a state-of-the-art Gucci outfit. So before we look askance as a so-called eccentric, we might first take a long hard look in the mirror.

July is a month of extraordinary creativity. Fruits and flowers take an abundance of forms. The eggs of bluebirds hatch, leaving tiny shells the color of sky beneth nests noisy with the cry of hungry young. This cycle of hatching and maturation brings us into heightened awareness of our life purpose, the gifts we have been gven to share with the Sacred Circle of Life. In exploring our life purpose this month, we will also explore the attitude with which we work, for when our activities are dedicated to the good of all, creativity flourishes, the energy of mind and body flow freely, and we share the joy of our essence as a blessing to this world. By following our intuition this month, we will learn to tune in to the messages from the Higher Self and from the angelic realm that help us find our way with the joy, delight and levity that makes life worthwile. Listen to the voices of the Ancient Ones singing from the trees: The Godseed within is coming to flower in the radiant light of summer. Listening to the voice to the voice of intuition we realize our life's purpose, using our gifts with joy in the service of all beings.

The energy of July builds on the clarity of June. As we become more aware both of the creative fire within ourselves, and of the promptings toward greater awareness that come both from the Archangels and our personal guardian angels, we become more attuned to the pulse of the Universe and to our own part in bringing about heaven on earth, the awakening of all beings to our true potential as co-creators with the Divine One.

All relationship is imagination, because whenever you go out of yourself, you go only through the door of imagination. There is no other door.

“The friend, the enemy: both are your imagination. When you stop imagination completely, you are alone, absolutely alone. Once you understand that life and all its relationships are imagination, you don’t go against life, but your understanding helps you to make your relationships richer. Now that you know that relationships are imagination, why not put more imagination into them? Why not enjoy them as deeply as possible? When the flower is nothing but your imagination, why not create a beautiful flower? Why settle for an ordinary flower? Let the flower be of emeralds and diamonds. ~ Whatever you imagine, let it be that. Imagination is not a sin, it is a capacity. It is a bridge. Just as you cross a river and you make a bridge between this shore and that, so imagination functions between two people. Two beings project a bridge – call it love, call it trust – but it is imagination. Imagination is the only creative faculty in human beings, so whatever is creative is going to be imagination. Enjoy it and make it more and more beautiful. By and by you will come to a point where you don’t depend on relationships. You share. If you have something, you share it with people, but you are content as you are. All love is imagination, but not in the condemnatory sense that the word is ordinarily used. Imagination is a divine faculty." -Osho



"Great Spirit, I enter July filled with gratitude for the warm light of the summer and the flowering of nature and my own creative potential. I am grateful for my growing awareness of the continuous messages from the Universe that guide me in how I might best develop and use the unique potential that I have been given."

A Poem That Inspires Me

The following poem has actually set the goal of my life and the reason for this blog. Basically it says to me that love is the only difference between life and a living death. I feel the more love a person has, the higher his evolution and development is. In turn, the higher his development is, the nearer is he to the knowledge of God/Spirit, and of course the most asked question, the meaning of life.
The noblest work on earth, within my ken. Is ministering to the souls of men. And if our vision's true and God is near, his voice will speak to you and you will hear, "Go ye out to all the world and preach for me The Gospel of Immortality." For God's in every man and man's divine. For He hath said, "Let thy light so shine." That unto all others a beacon it shall be, helping and guiding on toward Immortality. Thou canst not help or guide the least one on if thou are not sure thyself the way is true; that is the reason I have come to you. To make it simpler, clearer, unto thee, to find the way to Immortality. If thou hast helped just one poor, lonely soul. To heal a wound and make it whole, then hast thou seen God, and God shall dwell with thee, making thee sure of Immortality.
Contemplate these words. If you have learned to love and appreciate the abundance of God/Spirit around and in us, the natural forces and powers with which we are truly blessed. I encourage you to go out and preach the Gospel of Immortality in your own very unique way.

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