Good afternoon new readers,
Today is the first of many of my thoughts and sharing of ispiring quotes to come. I used to do these writings a while back and send them via email to requested subscribers. But for many years I have not done so and feel that Spirit is now speaking to me again to share and do this again, and to release to a larger audience. Now that I am stepping into a newer way of communication, the Blog. One thing my friend is this, it is never ever too late to start anything, or re-start anything or idea. As long as you move forward, that is the importance of it all. What I will be sharing will have many points of inspiration and I hope you will find it as I have, enlightening.
"We are all in this giant wheel of life, this grand circle and we are all connected. If you enjoy these writings and quotes shared, then part of my life mission is complete. Notice that the writings are all of everything, no particular dogma or religion. There are many paths to Spirit. Some of these may apply, while some may not. Take what is beneficial and leave behind what is not. In part, it is what it is and it is my gift to bring enlightenment to all life here and beyond."
So, here I am trying my hand at this again. I absolutely know that I will have a pretty good time doing this and reading the many comments that may come. I am truly amazed at the wondrous beauty that Spirit has bestowed upon us. No matter where I drive to in my journeys, I am so appreciative of the sights that is. One thing I know it is so wonderful to recognize the Spirit in action and to be grateful. The people, places and situations is without a doubt divinely guided. I live in the Sedona Arizona area and I am blessed with a magic and beauty that resonates here. Truly one of Spirits masterpieces. Be assured I will surely write more about this in upcoming blogs. For now, take the time in your own surroundings and daily life to give gratitude and thanks in all things in all ways.

"I am alert and attentive to the quiet wisdom of that power which has created me and which sustains me. I am not distracted by anyone or anything, for my vision is clear and fixed on the wonderful experience of living. And so it is."
Until I return, have a grand day!
In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...
Until I return, have a grand day!
In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...
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