Good afternoon new readers,
Know that this day is good, know as well that this day is also God. All Love, Light & Joy surrounds us and is us. Go forth my friend and plant the seed of Universal truth, for we all are teachers and students alike.
Complaining is a way of reinforcing the mindset of scarcity and lack. If something is wrong, take action to set it right rather than complaining. Pessimists complain and blame themselves and other people for what is wrong. They even blame God. Optimists have risen above blame. Even in threatening or difficult situations, they are thankful for the challenges that help them overcome their limitations.
"Be mindful today of the way your ego constricts your ability to be happy and mindful by blaming and complaining. Even when things are just fine, the ego can spin endless fantasies about what could go wrong. Resist them by practicing mental martial arts. Notice what your mind is doing and say to yourself, 'Complaining or blaming.' Then just take a breath and let complaints go as you do thoughts in meditation."
"I am whole. I am unlimited. I am perfect. I am free. There are no chains that bind me. I am a perfect child of God. I deeply know the perfection of my being. I am free. I am perfect. I am unlimited."
In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...
In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...
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