Good morning,
It's been busy around here with me. So much going on and so many personal projects as well as reviewing a very exciting business opportunity in which has been presented to me. If I decide on taking it up, I will surely tell you about it. I think you will agree with me on this one! In short, it is what I full heatedly manifested and created in my own mind. Nothing short of a miracle indeed. In any case my friend, here we are arriving on a new day as well as the third day into a new month. How wonderful it is to be in the midst of this place of high energy. As we align ourselves to relax and listen to that ever small but very mighty voice within, as we connect with Spirit and say THANKS and YES to its calling. Only you know what it says, only you can understand its message. I believe to deny this is truly a disservice to those who love us and most of all ourselves. Know that each one of us has our own directions and values indeed. Our uniqueness is our treasure to others. This is truly a splendid and remarkable gift alone. You and I are truly indeed powerful and spiritual beings already, living in these human moments. Today dear friend, shout and rejoice that you are who you are, all of everything and absolutely nothing less! Have a incredible day!

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...
Blessed be always,
"Today, I am free to choose my experience of life. I choose to be fulfilled, empowered, and blessed by all of my experiences. And so it is."
September is a pivotal month during which the outward-directed energy of summer begins to shift inward in preparation for the six months spent in the darkness of the Earth Mother's womb. This month we will review our lives in the form of spiritual autobiography. We will open our sixth sense by noticing synchronicity, and we will enter the world of dreams. September is the gateway to Mystery, and as the Medicine Wheel turns from summer to fall, we are greeted by the Archangel Raphael - The Healer of God - who remedies the sickness of belief in prefection by administering the great medicine of wholeness. Listen to the voices of the Ancient Ones who call from the mycelial mat that grows beneath the forest floor:
The inner and outer
harvests are complete
and the storehouse of the unconscious
is swept clean.
We enter the Gates of Mystery
through the Dreamworld
descending into the
fertile darkness in which our souls
are made new again.
September is a pivotal month during which the outward-directed energy of summer begins to shift inward in preparation for the six months spent in the darkness of the Earth Mother's womb. This month we will review our lives in the form of spiritual autobiography. We will open our sixth sense by noticing synchronicity, and we will enter the world of dreams. September is the gateway to Mystery, and as the Medicine Wheel turns from summer to fall, we are greeted by the Archangel Raphael - The Healer of God - who remedies the sickness of belief in prefection by administering the great medicine of wholeness. Listen to the voices of the Ancient Ones who call from the mycelial mat that grows beneath the forest floor:
The inner and outer
harvests are complete
and the storehouse of the unconscious
is swept clean.
We enter the Gates of Mystery
through the Dreamworld
descending into the
fertile darkness in which our souls
are made new again.
September is the culmination of the harvest and the storing of earth's abundance. The produce we put by sustains us through the winter, when, like Mother Earth, we withdraw our energies from the outer world and focus them on the mysterious inner darkness. In preparation for storing the fruits of recent growth in the deep caverns of our unconscious, the universal energies sweep its depths and stir up old ideas, old business and old wisdom so that we will know what to preserve and what to jettison as we move more consciously into the Great Archetypal Story of our life.

"You want to look at your purpose in life. You want to find that meaning within. Once you find that meaning within, and you start to express your purpose, that's when the money starts coming. That's when you attract it."
- Andy Fuehl: Author and wealth trainer
- Andy Fuehl: Author and wealth trainer
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