Abundance, Peace, Inspiration, Spiritual and The Connection With Self.

"We are all in this giant wheel of life, this grand circle and we are all connected. If you enjoy these writings and quotes shared, then part of my life mission is complete. Notice that the writings are all of everything, no particular dogma or religion. There are many paths to Spirit. Some of these may apply, while some may not. Take what is beneficial and leave behind that which is not. In part, it is what it is and it is my gift to bring enlightenment to all life here and beyond."

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Children... Our Little Guru's


Good morning,

Kind of late here writing this, however I wanted to just get something new posted. As I drove around today during my courier job, I was truly blessed with the realization no matter what is going on or will go on, today is another great day before us! There is absolutely nothing in this life that is not wonderful. In fact, I think one of the most marvelous miracles before us, is the beautiful children everywhere. These little beings are so innocent and pure and untainted by this world we live in now. Important thought here, keep in mind that we are their influence. They are our future. As such, if we take the time to enter into their ever-expanding world, we too can learn so very much. They are our little Guru's if you will. If you have a child or more, today take the time to really express to them that they are cherished, they are loved and that they are important. Give them a hug, give them a kiss. Express your love and appreciation. If you don't have a child, then if you see one, notice and bless them. Even hug them if you can. They will brighten your day, your life and in turn, you will theirs. This is just a given. This is Love.

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"Each moment of this day, I consciously allow Spirit within me to keep me focused on the truth of my being."

"The Holy One... requires the heart."
- Talmud

Yes, the heart. Because thought won't get us there. Indeed, thought hinders and baffles where the Holy One is concerned. Our approach to the Holy One requires a mind free from the burden of thinking. It's in the silence between thoughts that we meet what is holy.

We may read the Bible a thousand times and the Talmud a thousand more and yet not feel the presence of the Holy One.

A strange set of affairs, this seeking. After years spent straining and studying, we can, curiously enough, be further from the truth than the man who walks out his door at dawn, and looks over his shoulder at the lone oriole singing on the bough of the walnut tree, and finally by this vision with an indescribable ecstasy.

My Zrilliant Journey!

Well, I started back to work today after my week off. I guess you can say sort of bitter sweet. Because like I said, I have been learning and doing everything I can working the business. Now that I am in it for about two weeks only, I ran through my friends and family list and ready to embark on the real world of meeting people. Kind of finding it a little difficult to follow through at times with making calls and such. But forcing myself to move forward. I have been listening and attending web meetings and live training calls and as much stuff as I can to plug into. This is my motivation, my inspiration. If I allow myself I can find excuses to get discouraged and scared. Finding myself saying, "What did I get myself into?" However I always counter act that with, "Hey you know this is a long haul of work and dedication of 12 to 24 months. Just hang in there and don't even go to the dark side." Because one thing is I will go back and remember and possibly read this and say, "Wow... that was my initiation trial and period of success in the making. I will do it all over again and again!" I think I heard it said that one really doesn't know how close they were to their goals until they had quit. I don't want to quit and don't want to go back and say, "If I only... I was that close?" So yes it is a little bit of a struggle and I knew this going in. But reality is hitting. I look around me lately and just realize that I don't have to be the average Joe wishing I didn't have to work so hard all my life to have little to show for. I may yes be the average Joe, but my mindset is not average. So, that's what is happening a little now in the Zrii World for me. Until my next post. Blessings!

Friday, September 19, 2008

God/Spirit is everywhere


Good afternoon,

I was told a story of a woman who attended a temple that was new and of a different faith. She was open and free to explore the ways others connect with God/Spirit. How wonderful that we have that free will. Upon entering that sacred temple, unknowing of the traditions associated there in. This woman sat in a position that was not in line with the sacred teachings of that particular faith. A friend who invited her was told that during service that she needed to correct her position in which she was sitting. Why was this? Because it was later explained that her position was not in the direction where God was. This woman then replied, "please tell me then where God is not?" It took the informer by surprise and nothing more was ever said. So today my dear friend, can you tell me where Spirit is not as well? There is no place God is not present. No matter where your sacred place is. Spirit is right there in you, around you, and is you. Have a beautiful day!

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"Wherever I am, God is. Wherever my thoughts may lead me, God is there also. 'Closer is He than breathing, and nearer than hands and feet.' (Tennyson, The Higher Pantheism) No matter how far I may have strayed, no matter how lost I may feel, God is within me, awaiting my recognition. God knows nothing of time or of space. He is Being and I know only of my Being in him now. This is true for me and for all people. I think and experience nothing but good, nothing but love. Good and love respond to me across the reaches of infinity, because they indicate the eternal presence and action of God/Spirit."

"There is nothing stronger in the world than gentleness."
- Han Suyin

Lava flowing gently, yet inexorably, creates islands atop oceans; winds blowing breezily sculpt the greatest mountains; streams quietly cascading become the grandest rivers; Elephants leisurely walking make the longest roads; and the sun gently shining sustains the most varied life.

And when I quit the city and came home, I found myself where I was supposed to be before. Everything is beautiful, the mountain changes, every, every time I look at it, it changes. The water, don't change the sound - the air is the same, flows. The Spirit, when the tree is shaking then I realize that the spirit is there... People live not knowing, all they know is the top of their shoes today. They don't know the glory, the what we're living underneath. Beauty, nighttime, daytime that is what the things are that I value.
- Jimmy Reyna, Taos Pueblo - Native American Wisdom


My Zriiliant Journey!

Gosh, hard to believe that this week has already almost gone and my vacation time off is almost finished. However this week has truly been very rewarding to me in many levels. How did I know that the time off I chose months ago would be in the correct timing? Spirit, the Universe knew. How did I even know I would get involved with Zrii? Again Spirit, the Universe knew. In which case I actually did manifest this to come along with so many variables with it. I have taken this week to yes, not only enjoy not having to work. But to take time to learn more, do the steps to be successful and work the business. Interesting thought yesterday as I decided to take a nice 5 mile hike to Brins Mesa here in Arizona. As I was walking along and I suddenly realized, this is the exact taste of what I can be doing in the future. Getting up in the morning, having my daily 3 oz. of Zrii, and it does taste yummy! My coffe and sitting at my computer reading emails, watching and learning the business and doing what I need to do to move forward. Then taking off for the rest of the day and enjoying life! As I enjoy it already. Then getting back and attending a nice live webinair, training call. The Universe and God/Spirit truly has given me this moment to taste the life others dream of. And that is why I am so motivated and committed to sharing it with everyone I meet when possible. So I have made business cards and opportunity cards as of late. Used the incrediable back office, bought a new domain name (www.awakenyourabundancenow.com) and learn, learn, and do. It can only get easier. Well, that's it so far and stay tuned for the next post! Have a zrilliant day!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Turn Your Thoughts Around


Good morning,

Today I know that we are so very blessed with abundance in every form. I am not just talking about money. Although yes that is important, believe me. But I am referring to health, friends, love, life and so much more. If we only take just a few moments to quiet ourselves and give gratitude to the Great Spirit, then in turn the Universe responds with so much more. Often times we just take so many things for granted. When those things seem to be absent, then we wonder how can such a powerful energy do this to us? In fact dear friend, we do it to ourselves, because of our belief system. Such as, "We are not good enough, we don't deserve it and surely good things don't last." STOP!!! The Universe has no other action then to respond to this thinking. Turn it around now. Know that everything in each of our minds eye is ours by divine right of consciousness. So today believe, trust and have faith. What are you waiting for?

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"My mind and heart are totally clear. I ask for what I desire, knowing it is already done. The Universe responds to my soul. I know it has no other choice but to. I am deserving of all Good, because it is all God. I give absolute thanks that this is so!"

"An object in possession seldom retains the same charm that it had in pursuit."
- Pliny the Younger

For many of us it's the thrill and excitement of the hunt, the racing over hill and dale in pursuit of an elusive quarry, that holds all the allure. Once captured, our prey quickly loses its mystery and fascination, they being replaced by an awful familiarity.

And then we feel betrayed. And we were betrayed, betrayed by our own imagination, and imagination gone awry, and imagination that sought itself to please and couldn't see the forest for the trees.

We get so caught up in fantasy and projection that when we do finally possess we find ourselves holding only disappointment, and "it's not what I expected it to be," not realizing that, if given a proper chance, reality is much more interesting.

Sitting under a tree one summer, in deep meditation. I heard a voice within telling me that I was a strong archetype of something. I knew when I was to find out what that something was. I had no idea what though. I laughed and I thought that this question I asked myself was incisive. I know that our archetype is the story our soul is mastering at any given time. One archetype is no better than another, since ancient wisdom suggests that each of us must eventually live through every archetype.

Try to spend a few minutes in meditation. Consider whether you have experienced these or other archetypes that come to mind.
  • The Grand Inquisitor, "protector of the faith"
  • The victim
  • The martyr
  • The rescuer
  • The healer
  • The wise woman/man
  • The fool
  • The mystic
  • The hero

Well, here it is a few days into this new venture. A lot to read and a lot to do. Especially setting things up in what the company calls the back office. Great tool and with technology the way it is today, this is so nice to see it used. As I stated in my blogs earlier, I would like to include this little journal of my journey in this business. I have tried and done a few of these types of business ventures and of course they did not move me like this one does. I spent the last part of yesterday and some time today (Sunday) sending out more emails to those I know and have met in my day to day travels. I am on vacation from my job now for the next week and plan on using this time to really dive in and learn and do as much as I can. One thing I must stress here. One of the reasons I took this step here was because right up front I was told that this was NOT a get rich quick scheme. I was told to put in a good 12-24 months and work it like it is meant to be worked. I understood this. Of course why I say this is because I already was told in an email from a friend that was a "Health Care Professional" that this was just such a scheme. I think that this is one of the reasons why I want to keep a journal on this to make a counter point. And oh well, this won't be the last I hear of this either. I even searched online where others are making the same claims as it is a scam. All I can say is probably they have their own ulterior motives to say things like this to join them in their business or such, or they thought they could "get rich quick" and did not work it and became disappointed. It just was not in their life path at the moment. Success however does take work and time. And nothing really comes too easy. Lastly something interesting was sent to me today (the Universe is great in its timing) from the Kabbalah Centre International, I inserted it here to read. Until next post, have a Zriiliant day!

Why are we afraid of taking risks? We're afraid to sacrifice our ego.

Getting hurt, rejected, bloodied and bruised - this is all pain felt by the ego. When we're afraid to go onstage to address a crowd of 1,000 people, or trembling in our boots before asking someone out, is it our soul that's afraid? No.

And by ego, I'm not referring to pride or self-centeredness. I'm referring to anything that's not of the spirit.

In the end, (or in the beginning, depending on how you look at it) all the gifts we have come from the Light. When we're taking a risk, all that we are putting on the line is our ego.

That's what Kabbalah is all about. The connections, meditations, transformational sharing, charity, late-night studies, going against our gravity to help others ... we do all this to receive the strength to take risks!

And what's on the other side of risk? Certainty. When you go out on a limb and see results, are you going to be afraid to go out on that limb again? No. You'll run out there next time, ready to breakthrough and reveal greater results.

The Zohar says we have to connect all the blessings in our life back to its source if we want them to continue. What does this mean? Whether it's attaining a level of wisdom or success or peak performance, you need to know it's not us, but the way the Light speaks through us that allow for these things to manifest.

When you do take a risk and start a business or become a motivational speaker or whatever, you are worried about it's actually the Light that's doing these things. It's a paradox. Do you see what I am getting at?

You have nothing to risk but your ego and if you don't have the ego, then it's just the Light. If you are afraid of success, its not even you, it's the Light that creates the success, so what are you afraid of?

This week, keep taking risks. The more you are able to identify the illusion of the ego, the greater your future will be. Do you really want more energy, success, wealth, happiness, health and fulfillment next year?

You've got to get rid of the old before you can bring in the new.

All the best,


Thursday, September 11, 2008



Good morning,

Well, here it is late and I am back posting a new entry. Sit down and know this is going to be a long one today. However my friend I am excited to tell you, yes... I reviewed the new opportunity and today I took that step. I am involved. Before I tell you exactly what it is, let me back up a bit and tell you kind of what led me to this moment and decision. Some of you may or may not know that pretty much all my life I have, I guess you can say, am born an entrepreneur. I am always looking for ways to better myself financially. A whole list of things I can name, but that really is not important right now. For the last year or maybe even longer, I have been aware of my passion to be of service in another way by inspiring and maybe even given great ideas on how to deal and cope with those who feel a lack of and short in abundance. Especially in terms of finances. And as I have realized this passion within, I knew it was something God/Spirit wanted me to do on a level I was yet not sure how it was to be done. I kept finding and hearing and seeing people around me just being so frustrated in their life with the mind set of not being good enough or having enough and just down right believing in the concept of having a lack of in life. Not being grateful and just not really doing anything to change things. And belief is indeed a key word here. So, I asked Spirit what I can do? I had a grand idea and something I kept thinking of doing. Holding prosperity meetings based on Spiritual concepts, law of attraction, visualization and so much more. I thought people needed this. So I put it out there to the Universe as I always have done and well, something exciting was shown to me. I first have to say there is no accidents in life and nothing is by chance. All is truly divinely guided and given if you BELIEVE. My first step was I am grateful and truly thankful for all things in my life. I mean everything period. Because I choose to take each thing in my path as a learning experience and to see the good in it. And if I can't find it at the moment, I ask for an answer and it does get revealed. So back to what was shown to me. I also am in a time in my life where I would like to make extra money and be financially free. That too was kept in mind as I said yes to the Universe and knew this too would happen. As we know the internet is a very powerful tool and there are so many opportunities to do. In fact I was pretty close to getting involved on one and it almost seemed right. However the investment was more than I realized and decided that this was not good and worried more with the economy as it is now. And yes, a blessing in disguise. I asked the Universe for extra income. A few days later I got a call for a part-time job on one of my days off in which I did not even enquire about. But they thought I might be interested. I was on this one right away. Then I also was offered another part-time gig in the mornings a few hours and a few days a week. So, I then realized the Universe responded and I was grateful. A few weeks or so into these extra jobs, I realized one of them was really not for me. And in the meantime this exciting new opportunity was introduced to me in an email from someone I respect. At first it was right away... WOW. But now I was worried about not having the time for this too, if I did it. Well, the Universe took care of that and both of the extra jobs got put on hold until further notice. Kind of like something was telling me, now you have the time. Indulge!!! After reviewing most of the material on line and having a direct call from this person who presented it to me, it clicked so much I was ecstatic. He told me, there was one of a few ways to do the business and that was to hold prosperity meetings. I about fell off my chair and said, that is exactly what I wanted to do but did not know how. Well that was too good to be true and everything involved just was so right on! Yes, it took me awhile to decide, but the more I thought about it, there were more reasons why I should than shouldn'ts. And so.............. I did! I believe I found my purpose. What it is is a very new company backed up by Bill Farley, and indorsed by the Chopra Center for Wellbeing. I want to say so much more, but so little do I know yet. Except this is a true winner and I would like or invite you to take a look at it for yourself. It pretty much speaks for itself. The company is called, Zrii. So now that I let the cat ( I love cats and have two) out of the bag, I will keep you updated in my success on this blog. A little corner for Zrii. I also will give you a link in my next blog to go check it out. I wrote so much already and would surely have written more as how in detail things led me here, to this now. Just know that the Stars have truly Aligned!

09-12-08 Update!!! Here is my website address for Zrii:

Today is not complete without a little spiritual inspiration. As you read this today, know that this is a most beautiful, wonderful day. I assure you that fear of anything in life, is only a lack of love itself. There is no need to not have love, give love and forgive with love. Love itself is the only answer to any level of difficulties. No matter what has happened, what is happening and what is to happen. The Great Spirit is in every activity. And with that activity it is truly blessed. Sometimes we may not understand at the moment for certain events. But, through deep meditation, forgiveness and love for every single human and animal, all is clearly revealed. Where are you today with forgiveness? Hate has got to stop. Hate and division of man has got to cease. We are One World, One Planet, One Mind. Ah yes... Love. So sweet. Have a blissful day!

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"The peace that sings throughout the cosmos wells up in me. I detect its presence in my heart, my attitude, and my body. I feel it, I believe it, I welcome it. Nothing can move me from this inner peace. For wherever I go, I find myself in the midst of peace. Today I gladly say thanks and know that this is so. It is done. Amen."

"Adversity has ever been considered the state in which a man most easily becomes acquainted with himself."
- Samuel Johnson

Adversity, the great teacher, expounds on sorrow.
Adversity, the great teacher, lectures on fear, anxiety, and distress.
Adversity, the great teacher, tutors on love.
Adversity, the great teacher, gives lessons on compassion, fortitude, and equanimity.
Adversity, the great teacher, daily tests our resolve.
Adversity, the great teacher, drags us kicking and screaming to the mirror.
Adversity, the great teacher, heightens our senses and sharpens our minds, and it falls to us, its students, to get acquainted with its rigorous curriculum.

"Money is one of the most important subjects of your entire life. Some of life's greatest enjoyments and most of life's greatest disappointments stem from your decisions about money. Whether you experience great peace of mind or constant anxiety will depend on getting your finances under control."
- Robert G. Allen, financial adviser author

Monday, September 8, 2008

Illumination, Wonder, Brilliance, Beauty, Extraordinaire, Loving and Spiritual


Good afternoon,

Okay, well here I am. I don't know about you, but I have been busy and the days seem to have not enough time allowed to us to accomplish the things we want to do. I really must try to write more I tell myself and do more. But I know that what I do is all divinely guided and in the right timing it is done in. As I told you in the last blog, I am reviewing a new exciting opportunity to not only bring a lifestyle that many seek, but most importantly a wonderful and blessed opportunity to help others do the same. I think I will make up my mind for sure in the next week or so if not sooner. And yes, I will share with you what it is. I am really excited and I think Spirit has guided me in on this one.

However, today I would like to share with you some key words: Illumination, Wonder, Brilliance, Beauty, Extraordinaire, Loving and Spiritual. These and much more are things which you and everyone and I are made of. Yes it is true! There is nothing that we are not of. What we are we are part of all of everyone and everything. We are indeed connected in this grand galaxy of this Universal Truth, Law and Love. Oh yes, we truly may be as different flowers with different fragrance, looks and attributes. But I assure you we are all in this grand universal garden, tended by the master gardener, the Great Spirit. Gently guiding each of us to our absolute destiny. Today, be your own special flower and know that you contribute so much to this magnificent bouquet of life itself. Without you, there is no perfect arrangement. You are as important and equal as the rest of everyone else. You're indeed special. Just know this is true. You are my friend! Have a grand day!

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"I am blessed in and through all of life. Spirit surrounds me and everyone else. Spirit is within us all. Everywhere I am God is. Today I slow down enough to see the face of God/Spirit in people and nature everywhere. In so doing, wherever I look I am so honored by life. And so it is."

"Surprise is the greatest gift which life can grant us."
- Boris Pasternak

Surprise, you're in love.
Surprise, the sun broke through the clouds.
Surprise, it's your birthday.
Surprise, there is snow on the mountain peaks.
Surprise, will you marry me?
Surprise, It's a full moon.
Surprise, you are pregnant.
Surprise, you just saw a shooting star.
Surprise, your son or daughter just graduated from college.
Surprise, life is renewed daily.
Surprise, you've just learned something new.
Surprise, surprise, surprise!

Children live in a wold of fairies and demons, good guys and bad guys - a world that is painted in black and white rather than in shades of gray. As children we are easily frightened and just as easily soothed. The ideas we have about the Universe tend to be vibrant and filled not only with the things we experience firsthand, but with a population of characters that have inhabited the mythology, folktales and religious literature of the world from the beginning of time. They are part of the collective unconscious that all people share, the ground of soul memories from which our personal stories spring.

Relax into your breathing, and let go into the peace of centering prayer, treatment or shamatha/vipassana meditation. What were your childhood beliefs about how the world came to be? Did you think about heaven and hell? Did you believe in its existence? If so, who got to go to which place and why? What did your parents believe? Make a few notes to ponder upon.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008



Good morning,

It's been busy around here with me. So much going on and so many personal projects as well as reviewing a very exciting business opportunity in which has been presented to me. If I decide on taking it up, I will surely tell you about it. I think you will agree with me on this one! In short, it is what I full heatedly manifested and created in my own mind. Nothing short of a miracle indeed. In any case my friend, here we are arriving on a new day as well as the third day into a new month. How wonderful it is to be in the midst of this place of high energy. As we align ourselves to relax and listen to that ever small but very mighty voice within, as we connect with Spirit and say THANKS and YES to its calling. Only you know what it says, only you can understand its message. I believe to deny this is truly a disservice to those who love us and most of all ourselves. Know that each one of us has our own directions and values indeed. Our uniqueness is our treasure to others. This is truly a splendid and remarkable gift alone. You and I are truly indeed powerful and spiritual beings already, living in these human moments. Today dear friend, shout and rejoice that you are who you are, all of everything and absolutely nothing less! Have a incredible day!

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,





"Today, I am free to choose my experience of life. I choose to be fulfilled, empowered, and blessed by all of my experiences. And so it is."

September is a pivotal month during which the outward-directed energy of summer begins to shift inward in preparation for the six months spent in the darkness of the Earth Mother's womb. This month we will review our lives in the form of spiritual autobiography. We will open our sixth sense by noticing synchronicity, and we will enter the world of dreams. September is the gateway to Mystery, and as the Medicine Wheel turns from summer to fall, we are greeted by the Archangel Raphael - The Healer of God - who remedies the sickness of belief in prefection by administering the great medicine of wholeness. Listen to the voices of the Ancient Ones who call from the mycelial mat that grows beneath the forest floor:

The inner and outer
harvests are complete
and the storehouse of the unconscious
is swept clean.
We enter the Gates of Mystery
through the Dreamworld
descending into the
fertile darkness in which our souls
are made new again.

September is the culmination of the harvest and the storing of earth's abundance. The produce we put by sustains us through the winter, when, like Mother Earth, we withdraw our energies from the outer world and focus them on the mysterious inner darkness. In preparation for storing the fruits of recent growth in the deep caverns of our unconscious, the universal energies sweep its depths and stir up old ideas, old business and old wisdom so that we will know what to preserve and what to jettison as we move more consciously into the Great Archetypal Story of our life.
"Great Spirit, I give thanks for this late summer mornings and the hint of fall that is already present in the lingering coolness of night and the gradual waning of daylight hours. As I prepare myself for the turning of the cosmic wheel, I call upon Gabriel to awaken me to the reality of my inner life so that I can be exquisitely attuned to the grace that comes in the fall housecleaning of my unconscious, and so that I can store the fruits of spirit with greater skill."

"You want to look at your purpose in life. You want to find that meaning within. Once you find that meaning within, and you start to express your purpose, that's when the money starts coming. That's when you attract it."
- Andy Fuehl: Author and wealth trainer

A Poem That Inspires Me

The following poem has actually set the goal of my life and the reason for this blog. Basically it says to me that love is the only difference between life and a living death. I feel the more love a person has, the higher his evolution and development is. In turn, the higher his development is, the nearer is he to the knowledge of God/Spirit, and of course the most asked question, the meaning of life.
The noblest work on earth, within my ken. Is ministering to the souls of men. And if our vision's true and God is near, his voice will speak to you and you will hear, "Go ye out to all the world and preach for me The Gospel of Immortality." For God's in every man and man's divine. For He hath said, "Let thy light so shine." That unto all others a beacon it shall be, helping and guiding on toward Immortality. Thou canst not help or guide the least one on if thou are not sure thyself the way is true; that is the reason I have come to you. To make it simpler, clearer, unto thee, to find the way to Immortality. If thou hast helped just one poor, lonely soul. To heal a wound and make it whole, then hast thou seen God, and God shall dwell with thee, making thee sure of Immortality.
Contemplate these words. If you have learned to love and appreciate the abundance of God/Spirit around and in us, the natural forces and powers with which we are truly blessed. I encourage you to go out and preach the Gospel of Immortality in your own very unique way.

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