Good afternoon,
Can you hear it? ... Can you? There is a rhythm, harmony, and music through life. Just as we respond to the rhythm of a favorite song, we respond to the call of life's music. All that which is harmonious and beautiful in life strikes a chord of recognition within us. That which is like the beauty and rhythm of God/Spirit within is called forth by our paying attention to the evidence of God's hand upon this world. So my friend, today let us be lifted up by the heavenly music. Let our souls be raised up by the spiritual rhythm of the everyday world. Let us be led to better choices and new avenues as we join in with the song. And to our wonderful delight, we truly can confirm that this melody of God/Spirit comes from within our very being, even as we recognize that its origins are in something greater that we usually recognize ourselves to be. You most definitely have an absolutely beautiful day!
In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...
Blessed be you...
"The sounds of rhythm of life are music to me. I allow the song of life around me and in me to lift me up and nourish me. I hear the beautiful melody of life in my home, on the street, and in my place of work. I am transformed by the harmony that fills my mind and soul."
"The truth doesn't hurt unless it ought to."
- B.C. Forbes (1880-1954) Founder of Forbes magazine
"The angels get excited whenever men and women begin to face the truth about themselves."
- Ann Spangler, "An Angel A Day"
"Divine each difficulty into as many parts as its feasible and necessary to resolve it."
- Rene Descartes
Simplifying a problem by breaking it down into its component parts is an important skill, a skill worth matering due to its breadth of application. Not only is this skill of practical value in the common affairs of science and business, but also in dealing with the difficulties of relationships. ~ Instead of considering the complexities of a long-standing relationship too difficult to master and leaving it at that, perhaps if we divide the problem we may be having into parts, we could conquer it and thus reenter the world of healthy relationships. ~ Presumably, somewhere along the line in the puzzle of our now troubled relationship, all the pieces fit; otherwise, how could we have come this far? Although through the auspices of time and change the pieces may presently be scrambled, they are essentially the same and will bear redesigning - if, that is we have the desire to discover which pieces are essential, and the patience to take them one piece at a time.
The Lord Krishna who give spiritual instruction to the Prince Arjuna in the classic Hindu text, the Bhagavad-Gita, says, "It is better to do your own duty, however imperfectly, than to assume the duties of another person, however successfully. Prefer to die doing your own duty; the duty of another will bring you into great spiritual danger."
To know something, one has to lose it.
"Everybody goes astray from their inner world, the inner space, and then by and by one feels starved, hungry for it. An appetite arises, a thirst is felt. The call comes from the innermost self to come back home, and one starts traveling. That's what being a seeker is. It is going to the warm inner space that you left on day. You will not be gaining something new. You will gaining something that was always there, but it will still be a gain because now for the first time, you will see what it is. The last time you were in the space, you were oblivious to it. ~ One cannot be aware of something if one has not left it. So everything is good. Going astray is also good. To sin is also good, because that is the only way to become a saint."
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