Abundance, Peace, Inspiration, Spiritual and The Connection With Self.

"We are all in this giant wheel of life, this grand circle and we are all connected. If you enjoy these writings and quotes shared, then part of my life mission is complete. Notice that the writings are all of everything, no particular dogma or religion. There are many paths to Spirit. Some of these may apply, while some may not. Take what is beneficial and leave behind that which is not. In part, it is what it is and it is my gift to bring enlightenment to all life here and beyond."

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Your Potential Is Absolutely Unlimited


Good morning,

Lately, these days have been somewhat challenging. What I mean by challenging is trying to stay in alignment with Spiritual laws. Some may or may not know that I currently work for FedEx Express as a part-time courier. Only hoping when I started this job in late 2007, that it would eventually lead into a full-time position. However with today's economy, that idea is slow in coming true. Making ends meet financially is a little trying at certain times. Oh yes, as much as I can get crazy and totally go into the mode of feeling the lack of and claiming my limitless, I do not. This only disconnects me from spirit. I practice that the Universe will always provide and there is absolutely no lack or limitations in life. I can't stress enough to you dear one how much this is true as I myself know first hand. I truly just know that whatever is happening in life from one moment to the next is truly divinely guided and not without order. In fact yesterday while working and making my deliveries, I took some time to think and treat (prayer) about this time in my life. What was simply revealed to me was, to just surrender these moments to God/Spirit and ask what the best way I can be of service. I believe that once we can truly let go and let God, we connect with Spirit and our true potential deep inside each one of us. A potential that is absolutely unlimited. The Universe then graciously smiles upon us and literally grants what we want, need and desire. We also must know that God's time frame is not the same as our time frame. So, if we say we want it now, it may be so or it may be a week, a month. There is is no time frame. But just know this, it will happen. Claim it and bless it. Even sometimes what we ask for will come to us in another way or form. This too is Spirit's unique way, just be open to it. So why and what compelled me to write about this and so personal? You see, I want to be a continued inspiration. This is my passion, my bliss to be of service. I surrender it all the the Great Creator. It is stated that when you truly do what you love to do, following your own unique bliss to your own self, abundance will flow in its own way. I truly desire the ability to help others obtain their goals and tap into their own bliss and passion to achieve their desires in whatever it is for them. To realize that life can truly be lived without limits as this is our divine right of consciousness. So today, say YES to it and claim it and know it so NOW. It's all actually very simple. Don't make it so difficult, you have all the tools, resources and answers already and you know what needs to be done. Now good friend, breathe, relax and surrender. It's already done!

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"Gods wealth is circulated in my life. His wealth flows to me in avalanches of abundance. All my needs, desires and goals are met instantaneously because I am one with God, and God is everything."

The other day I actually followed bliss.
Took this photo on my journeys.


"You want to look at your purpose in life. You want to find that meaning within. Once you find that meaning within, and you start to express your purpose, that's when the money starts coming. That's when you attract it."
~ Andy Fuehl - Author and wealth Trainer

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Wake Up And Smile!


Good morning,

Upon your waking, did you put on a smile for today? Would you like to move out of the rut you are in? You can very well do it. You my dear friend have the power already within you to enable you to make new and different decisions. In fact, new decisions can bring new conditions. So let me ask you, what is happiness? Happiness is a feeling. Did you even know this? Most people think that happiness is something that comes to them because of something (or someone) else. Not so. Someone once said, "After feelings you change actions; change your actions and you change your life." No words are truer than this. I know there may be some resistance to this idea. I truly understand that it may be difficult to change habit patterns because I have had to do so my own self. But really, the whole point is that it can be done, if there is enough desire for a new livingness. So today dear one, ask yourself if you are truly happy or not. If conditions, people or things are what you think happiness is, it may be time to look within your own being to see if, in fact you are indeed happy. Know this, that happiness is not a thing of itself, a certain amount of money in the bank, a certain type of home or even the latest car of the year. No my friend, happiness is something much deeper. It is a state of mind in which no matter what is going on "out there," peace and tranquility reside within each one of us and tends to bring forth absolute peaceful situations into our very lives. So put on that smile and be happy today, and the next day and the next! Happy Easter Holiday.

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"Great Spirit, how true is the wisdom "Be still and you shall know God." Please help me enter the still and silent flow of your love from which all life arises. Help me overcome the conditioned pull of my ego by repeatedly taking deep breaths and letting go to the present, the lifestream of the Divine Mind."

"The way our attitude works is such that it is often troubled by outside factors, so one side of the issue is to eliminate the existence of trouble around you. The environment, meaning the surrounding situation, is a very important factor for establishing a happy frame of mind. However, even more important is the other side of the issue, which is one's own mental attitude."
~ His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama

"There is nothing stronger in the world than gentleness."
~ Han Suyin

Lava flowing gently, yet inexorably, creates islands atop oceans; Winds blowing breezily sculpt the greatest mountains; Streams quietly cascading becomes the grandest rivers; Elephants leisurely walking make the longest roads; And the sun gently shining sustains the most varied life.

Here is a little something to laugh at. Yes... this too is part of just being happy. Enjoy!

Burglar and an Elderly Woman

An elderly woman had just returned to her home from an evening of church services when she was startled by an intruder. She caught the man in the act of robbing her home of its valuables and yelled, "Stop! Acts 2:38!" (Repent and be baptized, in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven.) The burglar stopped in his tracks. The woman calmly called the police and explained what she had done. As the officer cuffed the man to take him in, he asked the burglar, "Why did you just stand there? All the old lady did was yell a scripture to you." "Scripture?" replied the burglar. "She said she had and ax and two 38's!"

Bulletin Bloopers

The Associate Minister unveiled the church's new tithing campaign slogan last Sunday: "I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours."

Our next song is "Angels We Have Heard Get High."

Don't let worry kill you, let the church help.

For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.

This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Lewis to come forward and lay an egg on the alter.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We Are Not Separate From Our True Self


Good morning,

Today is so wonderful and full of so much good! It is truly a blessing to be alive and right smack in the middle of beauty, love and life itself. No matter where you are my dear friend, whether you are traveling in the mountains, the countryside, walking on the beach, running a race, taking a hike, visiting with loved ones or anything you set out to do. Know that there you are and there Spirit is also. You see, it is without any doubt that within you, others and all of creation in this world, universe and unimaginable, all of creation is an unlimited source of creativity and love. It really is in our best interest to be open, responsive, aware and accepting of this ever existing magnificent grand energy that is already moving in and around you in every moment. When we come into sync with this knowledge, life is so much more colorful and grand. Therefore nothing can really separate us from our true self, because our true self is God/Spirit. And where is God not? Today, embrace life and love. Go forth and have a super week and wonderful day!

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"Today I behold the work of Spirit in all things great and small. Each furnishing of my life is an ingenious answer to a need and a display of creative exuberance."

"In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit."
~ Albert Schweitzer

A friend, a family member, an acquaintance, a person in the street, a new love - somehow, sometime, somewhere we fortuitously meet that person who reinvigorates us. These encounters number among the delightful mysteries of life and cannot be forced. The best you can do is not allow your inner fire to be completely extinguished. If you can keep even the slightest flicker alive in your breast, then such encounters will not be lost on you. Otherwise, you can sit at the foot of a master wielding a flame-thrower to no avail.

If only in our thoughts, these torches in the night deserve our heartfelt thanks and appreciation.

We cannot know why particular events occur in our lives because our spiritual sight is too narrow. Perhaps the very thing we thought of as a disaster was exactly the circumstance that we or another needed to grow. Leo Tolstoy gave us a wonderful way to view difficulties when he said, "The only thing that we can know is that we know nothing, and that is the highest flight of human wisdom."

Imagine the highest form of the divine above you and slightly in front of you. Let waves of loving Light wash over you and through you, cleansing you of any belief in a punitive God or a sensless universe. Feel the light within your heart shining more brightly as the veil of ignorance and pain is washed away. Let the twin flames of courage and compassion that are your heart's true light merge with the Divine Light. Sit for a few minutes in the peace of the Divine Presence.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Your Good Is Of God/Spirit ... Absolutely


Good morning,

The goodness of God/Spirit, the Source, the Supreme Being, the Almighty, what is this all about? If we just assume an all powerful or infinite presence and power back of, within, and through everything we know, as we must surely do, then we should also realize that this power spoken of or presence of, which is God/Spirit, could not possibly operate against itself without destroying itself. So my friend, this means that the power back of everything in existence is good, or as the prophet Jesus said, "... none is good, save one, that is, God." There is no need to worry about this or even wonder about it and even ask questions about it. It is truly self-evident that goodness alone can and will endure forever. I very much believe that Good is a synonym for God. Therefore, the final truth and absolute reality about all things is that God/Spirit is Good. Spirit is divine presence right where you are this very moment, so you have to agree that good is right where you are as well and is ever available to you. However, one other thing my dear one, you must recognize and claim this Good that is spoken of if you are to use it. Just know that it is yours already. Enough said. Have a fantastic day.

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"Today I know that my good is of God/Spirit and is at hand. I see this good in all the people I meet, places and things. Nothing but goodness can go from me, and nothing but goodness can return to me. There is nothing unlike goodness in my experience. There is nothing but kindness, nothing but generosity. My whole inner being recognizes this goodness everywhere and responds to it, and I am enveloped in it. I now draw this goodness to me and become saturated with it. It flows out in every absolute direction, blessing everything it touches, helping every single soul, bringing wholeness and happiness to everyone. 'The Mother/Father's goodness endureth forever,' and I endure forever as well. In joy I awake fully to every new day; in joy I rest in the eternal goodness; and evermore there is a song in my heart as it overflows with this acknowledgment. And so it is, amen!"

Hindu Wisdom

"Seeing to this, neglecting that, setting one thing against another... Who is free of such cares? When will they ever end? Consider. Without passion, with dispassion, let go."
~ Ashtavakra Gita 9:1

"The essential conditions of everything you do must be choice, love, passion."
~ Nadia Boulanger (1887 - 1979) Conductor and musician

"So there are two types of ego, and wisdom or intelligence makes a distinction. Similarly, we must be able to distinguish between genuine humility and a lack of confidence. One may mistake the two because both of these are sort of slightly humbling mental functions, but one is positive and the other is negative."
~ His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama

"Let your holy angel have charge concerning us, that the wicked one have no power over us."
~Martin Luther

Meditations from Conversations with God (Book 1)

"It is when the going gets tough that you so often forget Who You Are, and the tools I have given you for creating the life that you would choose."
~ Page 116 - Neale Donald Walsch


"A person is an opening. Tomorrow who knows whom you will be? Even you cannot say who you will be, because you have not known tomorrow yet and what it brings. So people who are really alert never promise anything, because how can you promise? You cannot say to somebody, 'I will love you tomorrow also,' because who knows?

Real awareness will give you such humbleness that you will say, 'I cannot say anything about tomorrow. We will see. Let tomorrow come. I hope that I will love you, but nothing is certain.' And that is the beauty.

If you have character you can be very clear, but when you live in freedom it can be very confusing to you, and to others also. But this confustion has a beauty in it because it is alive, throbbing always with new possibilities."
~ Osho

Here is a little extra something you might enjoy.

"The Keys to Attaining Balance"

Corresponding to your physical body is your spiritual anatomy, your overlying soul. It is as much a part who you are as is your body. The foundation of this alternate spiritual anatomy is your chakra system - seven energy centers located at specific sites throughout your body. Each chakra governs particular body parts and organs, particular parts of your personality and psyche, as well as your psychological and emotional makeup and well being.
When balanced, each of the seven chakras provides powerful benefits to you and your life.

Chakra One - Balanced Foundation

Affirmation: I am grounded and calm. I am rooted to the earth. I am welcome, wanted and completely supported by the Universe.

Chakra Two - Balanced Vitality

Affirmation: I am fully alive. I appreciate and honor all my feeling and fully embrace my creativity and sunsual life.

Chakra Three - Balanced Sovereignty

Affirmation: I am in charge of my life. I decide what is important and meaningful. I set clear boundaries and honor those of others. I surrender my personal will to divine will.

Chakra Four - Balanced Heart

Affirmation: My heart is open. I freely give and receive the healing power of love. I am loved, lovable and loving.

Chakra Five - Balanced Expression

Affirmation: I speak my truth clearly and without hesitation. I listen with discernment and good will for the true communication of others. I am ever open to hearing the voice of my higher self.

Chakra Six - Balanced Personal Vision

Affirmation: I look for the beauty in all things while willing to see the truth. I see into life for its hidden treasures. I see divine spirit behind all creations.

Chakra Seven - Your Crowning Glory

Affirmation: I am a child of the Universe. I serve the highest good of my personal spirit and that of my creator. I am fully committed to bringing light, love and balance to the earth.

Repeat these affirmations several times a day (including when you wake-up and before you go to bed) when you want to balance your life and feel connected with the Universe.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

There Is Nothing That Is Not Of God/Spirit


Good morning,

We all have no doubt heard that love conquers all. In fact, I will say right here and now that Love is all. I believe that the great master of all life is love and there is absolutely nothing that is not of God/Spirit. Think about this, no matter how it looks, what it does or who is doing it, everything is from the Source, God/Spirit. Therefore, everything is love! When we have one of those days in which we feel all alone in whatever we are doing, we are blocking from our very experience the excitement of performing that task, not only using our God-given talents, but with and by the grace of Spirit. Know this my friend that this is absolute truth, we are never alone. Every moment in life we use Spirit's eyes, Spirit's ears; we also speak with the Almighty's voice and think with the Almighty's wonderful brain. With all of this as truth, we can never ever be conquered. Undaunted, we therefore rise to the challenges of human life knowing that the wonderful and gracious love of Spirit shows us the way. Today, let your way be full of light and love. There is absolutely no other way, this is natural and will be anyway. Smile dear one and know you are a brilliant spiritual being!

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"Right now I know the entire life of the divine presence is now flowing through me. I affirm this today. The life of God is the only life there is, and that life is my life, perfect and complete. It is indeed so! Amen"

"An animal needing something knows how much it needs, the man does not."
~ Democritus

A bird knows precisely the size of a nest required to safely and comfortably accommodate its brood. A bear knows exactly when and for how long, to hibernate. An elephant drinks its fill from a water hole, and then moves on. But a man, a man has trouble buying socks, let alone fulfilling his most fundamental needs. The knowledge we possess regarding our own needs can be summed up in one word - more. More of this and more of that, and when we've had enough, just a little bit more - more of things but less of life. To have more or not to have more, that is the question. And if the answer is to have more, keep in mind that, nowadays, it does take an outrageous fortune.

From this point of view, of all the various species of animal on this planet, human beings are the biggest troublemakers. That is clear. I imagine that if there were no longer any humans on the planet, the planet itself would be safer! Certainly millions of fish, chicken and other small animals might enjoy some sort of genuine liberation!
~ His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama

There is a subtle channel, like a vein in which energy flows, extending from the heart out through the eyes. You can communicate great love through your gaze, speaking directly to your own soul or the soul of another person.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Love Is Looking And Finding Each One Of Us


Good morning,

Well here we are well into February now. I call this month the love month. As I sit here writing this I ponder these thoughts. Most everyone knows what it feels like to truly love. In fact the first time that we fell in love, very likely we had received no training, no warning, no preparation for this intense experience. In reality, its more than likely that no one really does. Yet this thing we call love comes unexpectedly, quietly, swiftly and cupid always seems to strike the arrow deeply into any heart that loves. Today my dear friend, we may find ourselves falling in love all over again. In this experience, our quest is to express God/Spirit in our experience, and we do so when we love. The act of loving is easy, inviting, natural and rewarding. Therefore let us be lavish with our love; let us be demonstrative with the affection and frequent in giving that comes from this experience. We must truly know even so that there is no reward in our seeking to have love returned. Rather that there is a greater reward in knowing that love is looking and finding each one of us. We then make ourselves available to love by inviting it, believing that we are more than worthy hosts. I believe that when we do so, we humbly honor Spirit, for we are practicing the use of that which has been given to us by divine right. That is, our ability to choose. My dearest friend, today and for the rest of time, choose to love! Have a grand month. I love you!

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"Today I see others as God/Spirit sees them: PERFECT! I apply myself to the joyous task of loving. I am patient, kind and sincere in my encounters, for my natural instincts are to be these ways and I embody them throughout this day. As a result, I am very happy, deeply content well-loved, supported and absolutely nourished all of this day, and forever! And so it is. Amen."

"The one who has learned to love all people will find plenty of people who will return that love."
~ The Science of Mind, page 297

"Money is not required to buy one necessity of the soul."
~ Henry David Thoreau

Your Holiness, how can I stay in touch with my emotions without being afraid? I often control my feelings so much that I am closed off and unable to love.

"When I talk about love and compassion, I make distinctions between the ordinary sense of love and what I mean by love. What I mean by love can arise on the basis of a clear recognition of the existence of the other person, and a genuine respect for the well-being and rights of others. However, love based on strong attachments toward one's close ones is, from the point of view of religious practice, something that has to be ultimately purified. A certain degree of detachment must be developed."
~ His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama

All around the world there are people in need of love. Rather than feel helpless about their plight, we can take action on two levels. On the outer level we can be socially and politically active, give money to alleviate suffering, and teach tolerance and respect to our children. On the inner level, we can extend our practice of Metta to neighborhoods, cities, countries, all the people with AIDS or Cancer, or any group of people that our heart reaches out to.

Today, place yourself in an egg of light and practice Metta for yourself, for your loved ones and for the "petty tyrants" in your life. Now think of a group of people that your heart really goes out and repeat the blessings for them:

May you be in peace.
May your heart remain open.
May you awaken to the light of your own true nature.
May you be healed.
May you be a source of healing for all beings.

My friend, one more thing about love. I've taken this from the book:
Friendship with God - An Uncommon Dialogue - Neale Donald Walsch
Page 155; third paragraph.

What is Love?

... But how do You define love which is pure and true?

It seeks to damage or hurt no one. It seeks to avoid the possibility of damage or hurt to anyone.

How can we hope to know if someone else might possibly be hurt by an expression of love?

You may not be able to know in every case. And when you cannot know, you cannot know. Your motives are pure. Your intentions are good. Your love is true. Yet most times you can know, and most times you do. It is clear to you at these times how an expression of love could cause another to experience hurt. At these times, you would do well to ask: What would love do now? Not just love for the current object of your affections, but love for all others as well.

But such a "ground rule" could stop us from loving practically everyone! There's always someone who can claim that they'll be hurt by something someone else does in the name of love.

Yes. Nothing has generated more hurt among your species than the very thing that was meant to heal it.

Why is that?

It is that which is without condition, without limitation, and without need. Because it is without condition, it requires nothing in order to be expressed. It asks nothing in return. It withdraws nothing in retaliation. Because it is without limitation, it places no limitation on another. It knows no ending, but goes on forever. It experiences no boundary or barrier. Because it is without need, it seeks to take nothing not freely given. It seeks to hold nothing not wishing to be held. It seeks to give nothing not joyously welcomed. And it is free. Love is that which is free, for freedom is the essence of what God is, and love is God, expressed.

That is the most beautiful definition I have ever heard.

If people understood it, and lived it, everything would change. Your opportunity is to help them understand it and live it.

Then I'd better understand it myself. What do You mean when you say "love is freedom?" Freedom to do what?

Freedom to express the most joyous part of Who You Really Are.

What part is that?

The part that knows that you are One with everything and everyone. This is the truth of your being, and it is the aspect of Self which you will most urgently and earnestly seek to experience.

We do seek to experience it, every time we connect with someone with whom we feel that sense of Oneness. And the difficulty is that we feel that sense of Oneness with more than one person.

Indeed. A highly evolved being feels it for everyone, all of the time.

How do they get away with that?

Let Me see if I understand the question. How do they get away with feeling a sense of Oneness with everyone, all of the time?

Yes. How are they able to do that without getting into trouble?

What kind of trouble?

Every kind of trouble there is! Unrequired love, unfulfilled expectations, jealous partners - - you name it.

You are bringing up a subject that will reveal the main reason there is pain and misery on your planet surrounding the experience called "love," the main reason you find it so difficult to love each other, and the main reason you find it so difficult to love God. It is perfect that you should bring this up here, because Step Three in forming a true and lasting friendship with God is: Love God.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Go Forth With Courage, Revealing The Divine Body of Perfection


Good morning,

To stand up in the face of adversity and speak with unwavering conviction requires great courage. Yes my friend, I said courage. Although even when we are not confronted by adversity, we can practice having more courage and stronger convictions, for opportunities are everywhere. When we recognize that the courage we draw upon is not ours alone, for the credit goes finally to Spirit, our foundation, our rock. Practicing this courage, we affirm our confidence in creation, and our body responds to this affirmation of absolute truth with well-being. We then reveal the divine body of perfection behind all bodies. In every way, our physical form answers the call of our spiritual being, and the result is natural and vital health. So as you go about your day and the days ahead, take each thought as a prayer of thanksgiving, thinking upon the natural health of your being. You then have insured a lively and energetic response in your body. Have a beautiful and abundant day in all areas. Today, go forth with courage.

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"Nothing can move me from the conviction that my body is in the care of a divine agent working through me. My physical body reflects and is modeled after the perfect idea of God. God is resident in each cel of my physical being, ready to respond to the love I shower on my body. I begin today!"

"Iron rusts from disuse, stagnant water loses its purity, and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigors of the mind."
~ Leonardo da Vinci

Most of us never attend to any new subjects after we finish school. Sure, we watch television and go to the movies, and perhaps read the latest hit novel, but we rarely ever tackle an unfamiliar subject, and so don't set our minds ablaze with discovery. It is a demonstrable if obvious gact that when we are learning the synapses in our brain are vigorously firing, and that when we are idle they are sluggish. So, engage yourself mentally on occasion lest your mind become a dull and habitual thing barely conscious of its own rut.

As you well know, it's quite difficult to teach an old dog a new trick.

It is natural for the heart to open and close rhythmically like the petals of a flower, many times throughout the day. The times when we are most aware of the heart opening is when it has been closed. The opening is like a gift of grace, a moment of heightened awareness when we lift out of small mind and soar in the limitless sky of the Big Mind of God.

Today, dedicate yourself to an awareness of whether your heart feels open or closed. Periodically, at intervals you select (perhaps before each meal, snack or drink), notice whether or not your heart is open. If it feels closed, call upon the Archangel Michael to help you open it and then pause to take a few deep breaths and bring back a memory of a time that it was open. It is important not to be attached to the results - your heart may or may not feel open. The important thing is the awareness that you alone bring to this exercise.

Explain God

This was written by an 8-year old, Danny Dutton of Chula Vista, CA, for his third-grade homework assignment. The assignment was to explain God.

I wonder if any of us could do as well.

One of God's main jobs is making people. He makes them to replace the ones that die, so there will be enough people to take care of things on earth.

He doesn't make grown-ups, just babies. I think because they are smaller and easier to make. That way he doesn't have to take up his valuable time teaching them to talk and walk he can just leave that to mothers and fathers.

God's second most important job is listening to prayers. An awful lot of this goes on, since some people like preachers and things, pray at times beside bedtime. God doesn't have time to listen to the radio or TV because of this. Because he hears everything, there must be a terrible lot of noise in his ears, unless he has thought of a way to turn it off. God sees everything and hears everything and is everywhere, which keeps him pretty busy. So you shouldn't go wasting his time by going over your Mom and Dad's head asking for something they said you couldn't have.

Atheists are people who don't believe in God. I don't think there are any in Chula Vista. At least there aren't any who come to our church.

Jesus is God's Son. He used to do all the hard work like walking on water and performing miracles and trying to teach the people who didn't want to learn about God. They finally got tired of Him preaching to them and they crucified Him. But He was good and kind, like His Father and He told His Father that they didn't know what they were doing and to forgive them and God said "O.K." His Dad (God) appreciated everything that He had done and all His hard work on earth so He told Him He didn't have to go out on the road anymore. He could stay in heaven. So He did. And now He helps His Dad out by listening to prayers and seeing things which are important for God to take care of and which ones He can take care of Himself without having to bother God. Like a secretary, only more important. You can pray anytime you want and they are sure to help you because they got it worked out so one of them is on duty all the time.
You should always go to church on Sunday because it makes God happy, and if there's anybody you want to make happy, it's God.
Don't skip church to do something you think will be more fun like going to the beach. This is wrong. And besides the sun doesn't come out at the beach until noon anyway.

If you don't believe in God, besides being an atheist, you will be very lonely, because your parents can't go everywhere with you, like to camp, but God can. It is good to know He's around you when you're scared in the dark or when you can't swim and you get thrown into real deep water by big kids.

But...you shouldn't just always think of what God can do for you. I figure God put me here and He can take me back anytime He pleases. And...that's why I believe in God ***

Keep these thoughts with you throughout the coming years:

1. If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.

2. If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.

3. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning.

4. Whenever you want to talk, He'll listen.

5. He could live anywhere in the universe, and He chose your heart.

6. What about the Christmas gift He sent you in Bethlehem; not to mention that Friday at Calvary.

Face it, He's crazy about you.

Pass this on and brighten someone's day, and remember God answers to Knee-Mail!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Breathe Peace, Think Peace, Live Peace, Be Peace


Good morning,

The world is turning; the whole of humanity is already in you and me. As you start this wonderful day, take some time and send forth peace and love to all areas of our Mother Earth. Of course we go about each day thinking how very nice it would be if there were peace throughout the world. In our daily travels we may hear, "No War," "Peace," and even "Love." What makes one think that we are the only country that wants this? I can assure you that it is happening all around the globe. Even in the homes of who we are told are our enemies. What makes one think that they want their life, their children in the midst of violence? What makes us think that they don't experience the love that we have? In fact, what really gives some of us the idea that our country is the only, correct and absolute civilization on this earth? My friend, it is so very sad to think that there are some who believe in these false ideas. It truly brings tears to the eyes when I myself see hate, prejudice, separation and cruelty. It has got to stop. And stop now. It has got to begin with each one of us to bring all the right things into this world. It all starts with one single step. So do take some time in your day and days ahead to breathe peace, think peace, live peace and be peace. Knowing that what you do greatly contributes to all of mankind in a whole. There are so many others that are doing what they can to unite the consciousness of all living beings. Know that the Universe is responding and Spirit is indeed blessing each being alike. Be very careful in your thoughts and your words. Today, know that peace will be possible. Love is the key and you are the seed. So my message is to take some time to give to the world and all of your brothers and sisters and know they too want exactly what you want. Peace and Love. Have a wonderful day.

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"I know that in this consciousness of reality is the supply for my every need - physical, mental and spiritual - and I accept that supply in deepest gratitude. I am thankful that this is the way life fulfills my needs, through the doorway of my inner self, and I am thankful that I know how to use this perfect law of mind. I come to the great fountain of supply in the very center of my being to accept that which I need, mentally and physically, and I am filled with a sense of fulfillment of that which I desire. I am one with reality, and I permit it to flow into my world of thought and action, knowing that it brings peace and harmony and order all around me. There arises within me limitless faith in the unconquerable presence and the right action of perfect law."

"Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative."
~ Oscar Wilde

Each new situation requires a new response. No sense always bringing yesterday's answers to today's questions. Only a hopeless bore completely and regularly conforms. Invariably, the unduly consistent find themselves facing throughout their lives similar problematic situations, to which they consistently respond inadequately. Old age becomes a wasteland of loneliness and bitterness for those who stubbornly refused to adapt, those that now can be forever heard saying, "In my day we didn't do..." or "In my day we did..." remember, though the question may be the same, one year the answer may be yes, and the next, no.

Because there is only One Mind in which we are all joined, the thoughts of other people affect us whether we are aware of them or not. Likewise, we affect other people with our thoughts of them. It is important to be aware of our thoughts so that we can eliminate judgment and anger and increase thoughts of encouragement and love.

Divine Beloved, thank you for this new day and for my growing awareness of the power of mind. Help me to use my mind lovingly, both in thoughts about myself and in the thoughts I send out toward others.

What Your Child Might Say...

Treat me as a person of short stature who simply has less experience than you.
Let me laugh and play, for all too soon I will be your size.
Spend time in my universe, with all its wonders, for I often have trouble understanding the priorities of your world.
I, like you, am bored with idle conversation, so talk about meaningful things to me.
Speak with me, not at me, and use clear language.
Please don't pretend I'm not there when you're talking.
Set examples with significant actions, not shallow words.
Provide me with a definite "yes" or "no" and stick to it.
Tell me why, and I might surprise us by minding you.
Be honest, for I can spot a phony right away.
The truth works a lot better than manipulation or quilt trips.
Furnish me with guidelines; then I won't be testing the rules.
Let me manage important parts of my life as soon as I'm able.
Grant me privacy and time to myself, but still hug me often.
Teach me living skills and encourage my creative side.
Nurture the fantasies that are very real to me.
Give me time with older people, for they have learned much and are themselves returning to childhood.
Honor all my feelings, as they are neither right nor wrong.
Show me that grief is normal when I lose something.
Love me for who I am, not what you want me to be.
Recognize my value to you, because I am a beautiful being, even when I make the errors that are called experience.
Let me know you're not God; that you make mistakes too.
Seek my opinion; I have wisdom in many matters.
Guide me toward my own personal spirituality.
The golden rule applies to me, too.
~ Jack Clark & Chris Groninger

My Zriiliant Journey!

No new updates this time around. Until next time. Zrii ya!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

All Is Good, All Is God


Good morning,

Today my friend let your heart be without any fear and have implicit confidence in the Good, because it is absolutely enduring and true. I truly believe that fear is the only thing of which to be afraid. It is not the host encamped against you, nor the confusion around you, that you may need to fear; it is merely the lack of confidence in the Good alone which should concern you. Through your daily spiritual vision you must know that evil is transitory but Good is permanent. Know also that right finally dissolves everything opposed to it. The power of the almighty Spirit is supreme over every antagonist. Therefore in closing my dear one, you should very much try to cherish no fear, and when you neither fear nor hate, you then will come to understand the unity of all life. Have a delightful and loving day for all is Good, all is God.

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"I Realize that fear is not godlike, since it contradicts the divine presence, repudiates limitless love, and denies infinite Good. Therefore, I know that fear is a lie, a fraud. It is neither person, place, nor thing; it is merely an impostor that I have believed in. I have entertained it so long that it seems as if it really were something, and it attempts to make me believe that two and two are seven, that the earth is flat, and that God is limited. Today I repudiate all fear. I renounce the belief in evil. I enter into conscious union with Spirit. I accept the Good as supreme, positive, and absolute. With joy I enter into the activities of today; without regret I remember the events of yesterday; and with confidence I look forward to tomorrow, for today my heart is without fear."

Muslim Wisdom

"Fools exult in life while the pious prepare for the journey ahead. A major portion of their wealth is spent in God's way, and they themselves suffice with the bare minimum, striving toward the hereafter. They even sacrifice fine victuals confident in the faith that they shall be blessed with better in the hereafter. Even God cherishes them because of their conviction and devotion."
~ Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani

"We can't always control what happens to us, but we can always control how we react to it."
~ Robert Urich (1946 - 2002)

Meditations from Conversations with God (Book 1)

"By your decisions you paint a portrait of Who You Are."
~ Page 154 - Neale Donald Walsch

"The question is how to develop compassion. In fact, can we really develop unbiased compassion at all? My answer is that we definitely can. I believe that human nature is gentle and compassionate, although many people, in the past and now, think that it is basically aggressive. Let us examine this point."
~ His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama


"Angels take an interest in men... They have been called our 'fellow-citizens.' We all have something to do with one another - God doesn't create in separate compartments. We are all in life together."
~ Dorothy Donnelly, "God and the Apple of His Eye"

Psychological Disease

"All creative people are dangerous people, because if they are not allowed creativity they will become destructive.
Human beings are the only animals on the earth who are creative; no other animal is so dangerous because no other animal creates. They simply live, they have a programmed life, they never go off the track.
A dog lives like a dog and dies like a dog. He never tries to become a Buddha, and of course he never goes astray and becomes an Adolf Hitler. He simply follows the track. He is very conservative, orthodox, bourgeois; all animals except human beings are bourgeois.
Human beings have something of the freak in them. They want to do something, to go somewhere, to be; and if it is not allowed, if they cannot be a rose, then they would like to be a weed - but they would like to be something. If they cannot become Buddhas, they will become criminals. If they cannot create poetry, they will create nightmares. If they cannot bloom, they will not allow anybody else to bloom."
~ Osho

Higer Purpose

We each have a significant contribution to make in this lifetime. I call this contribution out higher purpose. It always involves being yourself totally, completely, and naturally, and doing something or many things that you genuinely love to do, that come easily to you. As you learn to follow your feelings, dreams, and visions, to explore doing things you love, you being to discover your higher purpose.
Every moment is a moment of creation and each moment of creation contains infinite possibilities.

"By being myself and doing what I love, I make a significant contribution to life."
~ Shakti Gawain, Reflections in the Light

My Zriiliant Journey!

The journey is still going. I am still working it. I did however set up a new My Space page and a Face Book page as well as a Twine page. I am learning that the best way to network, since this is Network Marketing, is through these free social networking sites. I am using anything I can to get the word out. I am not throwing in the towel for some time. Keep on keeping on. Anyhow, that's it for now. Speak/post soon!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Forgiveness Dwells Within Your Own Heart


Good morning,

My dear friend, are you or have you found yourself finding it very difficult to be forgiving? I know I have before. In finding myself going in that direction I whisper this prayer of forgiveness: "Infinite almighty Spirit, I return now to that place of absolute stillness deep inside that place of sweet sanctuary. With this truest devotion, I affirm to myself now that Thou art within me always. When all seems dark around me, I see the brilliance of the Light guiding me on my path now. When all seems fearful, I feel the purity of the One Heart bringing me home to that place of total acceptance. And so it its." As such, right here and right now the spiritual gift of divine forgiveness is called forth. It is a key to freedom. Freely and consciously accept this key that opens the door to your own heart. As your heart opens, recall any person, place or thing that may be causing you pain, sorrow or dispair this moment. Give complete thanks and let go of all these false gods, for you may have thought they would give you something you didn't have. My friend, set yourself free as you release all false beliefs about love, for there is nothing you need to do to earn it and there is nothing you could do to loose it. Know that anything that cannot stand strong as an eternal life-affirming principle is no longer acceptable in your life. Understand that all is beautifully aligned and seen in perfect order, for your spiritual vision is perfectly focused. As you journey into this new day, this new year, give thanks for the truth and for the wisdom that resides deep in your own very soul. Passionately give thanks for your magnificent life and the freedom to live it fully now. And so it is and so allow it to be.

In loving white light, my faith, love and magik...

Blessed be always,




"Forgiveness dwells within my own heart. As I pray and treat, I am a place of divine forgiveness for all spiritual beings. I am absolutely free and happy now. I affirm this and I know it so. So it is, Amen."

"He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how."
~ Friedrich Nietzsche

"Angels are not a society of glorified human beings. they do not represent the ultimate growth potential of the human Spirit... the ancient writings are clear that angels are a separate species, one that predates the human race."
~ Eileen Elias Freeman, "Touched by Angels"

Buddhist Wisdom

"Eventually we will find (mostly in retrospect, of course) that we can be very grateful to those people who have made life most difficult for us."
~ Ayya Khema, "When the iron Eagle Flies"

"As for the closeness we feel toward our friends, this is usually more like attachment than compassion. Genuine compassion should be unbiased. If we only feel close to our friends, and not to our enemies, or to the countless people who are unknown to us personally and toward whom we are indifferent, then our compassion is only partial or biased."
~ His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama


"Sadness is ugly because of our rejection of it; it is not ugly in itself. Once you accept it, you will see how beautiful it is, how relaxing, how calm and quiet, how silent. It has something to give that happiness can never give.
Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height. Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches. Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth. Both are needed, and the higher a tree goes, the deeper it goes, simultaneously. The bigger the tree, the bigger will be its roots. In fact, it is always in proportion. That's its balance.
You cannot bring the balance. The balance that you bring is of no use. It will be forced. Balance comes spontaneously; it is already there. In fact, when you are happy, you become so excited that it is tiring. Have you watched? The heart immediately moves them into the other direction, gives you a rest. You feel it as sadness. It is giving you a rest, because you were getting too excited. It is medicinal, therapeutic. It is just as in the day you work hard and in the night you fall deeply asleep. In the morning you are fresh again. After sadness you will be fresh again, ready to be excited."
~ Osho


My Zriiliant Journey!

Ah yes, we are off and running. A lot of self motivation and this year I know is going to be the turning factor for me. It is almost as if the first four months into it were just a test, a learning curve and well, like a challenge to see if I have what it takes to stay with it. I have to say, yes here I am and yes it has been tough. But, if I made it this far with little to no help, then I know I can keep moving forward. Maybe baby, little steps. Although before I know it I am walking. Then running and wow... I sprouted wings and now I am doing what may have been the impossible, flying! So, for now the bags are re-packed, the shoes are fresh and my spirit is high, so the journey is again off and running. Oh wait... don't leave without me. I am right behind. I am going far! Until next post. Have a Zrilliant day.

A Poem That Inspires Me

The following poem has actually set the goal of my life and the reason for this blog. Basically it says to me that love is the only difference between life and a living death. I feel the more love a person has, the higher his evolution and development is. In turn, the higher his development is, the nearer is he to the knowledge of God/Spirit, and of course the most asked question, the meaning of life.
The noblest work on earth, within my ken. Is ministering to the souls of men. And if our vision's true and God is near, his voice will speak to you and you will hear, "Go ye out to all the world and preach for me The Gospel of Immortality." For God's in every man and man's divine. For He hath said, "Let thy light so shine." That unto all others a beacon it shall be, helping and guiding on toward Immortality. Thou canst not help or guide the least one on if thou are not sure thyself the way is true; that is the reason I have come to you. To make it simpler, clearer, unto thee, to find the way to Immortality. If thou hast helped just one poor, lonely soul. To heal a wound and make it whole, then hast thou seen God, and God shall dwell with thee, making thee sure of Immortality.
Contemplate these words. If you have learned to love and appreciate the abundance of God/Spirit around and in us, the natural forces and powers with which we are truly blessed. I encourage you to go out and preach the Gospel of Immortality in your own very unique way.

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